Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Every Workflow

214 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Every Workflow

  1. ChatGPT Prompts for Business >1-40
  2. Do Your Homework and Score High with ChatGPT >41-47
  3. Develop Anything as a Coder Faster >48-83
  4. Create Fascinating Poems and Catchy Songs >84-100
  5. Make ChatGPT “Act As Someone” >101-120
  6. ChatGPT Gaming Prompts >121-140
  7. Write Sales Pitches and Perform Other Sales Tasks >141-150
  8. Design Outstanding UI/UX Interfaces >151-159
  9. ChatGPT Prompts on Law >160-166
  10. ChatGPT Prompts to Generate AI Art >167-170
  11. Write a Novel Using ChatGPT Prompts >171-177
  12. Use ChatGPT Like a Virtual Assistant >178-185
  13. ChatGPT Prompts for Cooking and Recipes >186-192
  14. Grow an Affiliate Marketing Business  >193-199
  15. Grow an eCommerce Store with ChatGPT Prompts >200-206
  16. ChatGPT Prompts for Career >207-214

ChatGPT Prompts for Business

1. Write a business proposal for launching a new line of eco-friendly products [ideas of products you are thinking of], detailing the market demand, competitive analysis, and sustainability benefits.

2. Generate a script for a 30-second commercial promoting our new product [product name]. Here’s what the product is about [specifications]. Here’s what my idea about the commercial is [some insights].

3. Write a persuasive email to convince potential customers to try our service [specify a little bit about your service here].

4. Create a list of frequently asked questions for our customer service team about [topic of FAQ].

5. Generate a summary of our company’s mission and values [specify a little about your company, and a very short summary of your vision].

6. Hey ChatGPT, I want you to a write a script for a training video for me on how to use our software. Here are some details about my software and how to use it: [mention some important insights on what your software is about, what your software does and how it performs a certain task here]

7. Create a list of potential blog post ideas for our company’s website. Here’s what my company is about [specify some important details about the company you want ChatGPT to mention blog ideas about] and the topics we want to cover are: [fill this with topics your company is planning to cover]

8. Generate a press release announcing our company’s latest partnership. Please focus on the nature of the partnership [mention the type of partnership e.g. technical, marketing, distribution] and the benefits it will bring to our stakeholders [mention the stakeholders e.g. customers, employees, shareholders]. Include details about the partner company [mention the partner company’s background or strengths]

9. Write a script for a video testimonial from a satisfied customer. The customer should highlight [mention specific features or benefits they liked about your product/service] and mention their personal experience using our product/service over a duration of [specify duration e.g. 6 months, 1 year].

10. Create a list of keywords to optimize our website for search engines. Focus on keywords related to [specify the nature of your business e.g. tech gadgets, organic foods, fitness training] and also consider our target demographic [mention target audience e.g. millennials, athletes, parents].

11. Generate a script for a social media video showcasing our company culture. Emphasize our core values [list some core values e.g. innovation, sustainability, inclusivity] and display moments from our workplace [mention specific events or situations e.g. team building activities, office parties, community service].

12. Write a script for an explainer video about our new product. Highlight its unique features [mention some standout features] and explain how it solves specific problems for the user. The main user pain points are: [mention some problems your product addresses].

13. Create a list of potential influencers to collaborate with for social media campaigns. We are targeting platforms like [mention platforms e.g. Instagram, YouTube, TikTok] and our ideal influencer should cater to [mention target audience e.g. young adults, tech enthusiasts, travelers].

14. Generate a script for a podcast episode discussing industry trends. Focus on topics like [mention some trending topics in your industry] and invite experts from [mention fields e.g. technology, finance, healthcare] to share their insights.

15. Write a script for a webinar on best practices for using our product. Cover [essential features and functionalities], address [common user challenges], and provide [tips and tricks for optimal usage].

16. Create a list of potential case studies to showcase our company’s success. Focus on projects or products that have [specific measurable outcomes], involve [noteworthy clients or partners], and reflect [your company’s key strengths].

17. Generate a script for a short video on our company’s history and achievements. Discuss [foundational events or decisions], spotlight [major milestones], and highlight [key figures in your company’s journey].

18. Write a script for a virtual event to launch our new product. Detail [the main features of the new product], explain [how it addresses specific market needs], and incorporate [testimonials or endorsements from beta testers].

19. Create a list of potential topics for a company newsletter. The topics should resonate with [our core audience], provide updates on [recent company activities or news], and offer insights into [upcoming industry trends].

20. Generate a script for a TV commercial to increase brand awareness. Highlight [your brand’s unique selling proposition], showcase [real-life applications of our product/service], and evoke emotions using [a specific theme or storyline].

21. Write a script for an explainer video about our company’s sustainability efforts. Discuss [specific sustainable practices we employ], the [impact of these practices on the environment], and [how customers can get involved].

22. Can you think of new business ideas without money? Focus on sectors that have [low entry barriers], can leverage [existing skills or assets], and address [current market demands].

23. Write a persuasive email to increase attendance at our upcoming event. Emphasize [key speakers or attractions at the event], mention [benefits of attending], and offer [special incentives for early registration].

24. Create a follow-up email to send to potential clients after a meeting. Reflect on [key points discussed during the meeting], provide [additional resources or information], and propose [next steps for collaboration].

25. Generate a thank-you email to send to customers after a purchase. Acknowledge their [specific purchase], offer [tips or guides on using the product], and introduce [upcoming promotions or products they might be interested in].

26. Write a promotional email to introduce our new product or service. Highlight [features that differentiate it from other products], offer [limited-time discounts or offers], and share [reviews or testimonials].

27. Create a reminder email for an upcoming deadline or meeting. Specify [the date and time], provide [agenda items or topics for discussion], and include [any preparatory materials or actions needed].

28. Generate a professional email to request a meeting or consultation. Explain [the purpose of the meeting], suggest [potential time slots], and outline [topics or questions to be covered].

29. Write an apology email to a customer for a delay or mistake. Acknowledge [the specific issue or mistake], explain [steps taken to rectify it], and offer [compensation or goodwill gestures].

30. Create a personalized email to nurture a lead and move them closer to a sale. Reference [their past interactions with our brand], introduce [products/services aligned with their interests], and share [exclusive deals or offers].

31. Generate an email to request a referral or testimonial from a satisfied customer. Remind them of [the product/service they availed], explain [the importance of their feedback], and provide [an easy way to submit their thoughts].

32. Write a promotional email to announce a sale or special offer. Detail [the range of products on sale], specify [the duration of the sale], and highlight [exclusive benefits for early birds or loyal customers].

33. Create an email to send to a prospect who has shown interest in our product. Address [their specific needs or queries], share [additional product details or demos], and provide [a special offer for their consideration].

34. Generate an email to request feedback from customers on our product or service. Emphasize [areas we’re specifically looking feedback on], provide [a platform or method for feedback submission], and offer [incentives for detailed feedback].

35. Write an email to send to a customer who has unsubscribed from our mailing list. Ask for [reasons for the unsubscription], provide [updates on improvements since their departure], and offer [an incentive to reconsider].

36. Create an email to send to a potential partner to explore collaboration opportunities. Introduce [our company’s strengths and assets], specify [areas of potential collaboration], and suggest [initial steps for partnership exploration].

37. Generate an email to send to a customer with a personalized upselling or cross-selling suggestion. Highlight [products related to their past purchases], explain [benefits of the suggested product], and provide [a limited-time offer or discount for them].

38. Write a daily to-do list for the sales team using this data; [data]. Ensure tasks are aligned with [specific sales goals or targets] and prioritize [urgent or high-impact activities]. Highlight [any team meetings or collaboration sessions].

39. Generate a daily summary of customer feedback and testimonials. Focus on feedback related to [specific products or services], highlight [particularly positive or constructive comments], and categorize feedback by [themes or topics].

40. Write a daily agenda for the executive team meeting. Begin with [recap of previous decisions or actions], outline [key topics or issues for discussion], and allocate time for [strategic planning or future outlook].

Do Your Homework and Score High in Tests with ChatGPT

41. Generate a daily study schedule for the next week. Specify [starting date] to [ending date]. Make sure to include specific times for each subject like [subject name 1][subject name 2], and [subject name 3]. Also, add any breaks or activities planned like [specific activity or break name].

42. Write a persuasive essay discussing the benefits of experiential learning in the classroom. Use [specific age group or grade] as your target audience. Provide real-world examples from places like [specific school or institution] on how hands-on activities enhance educational outcomes.

43. Generate a list of potential essay topics for [assignment name] relevant to [subject or course name]. Make sure you focus on [specific theme or aspect]. Along with each topic, provide a brief outline of main points like [point 1][point 2], and [point 3] to be discussed.

44. Teach me [Anything you want to study]. Ensure you provide its historical context and [specific application or use]. Include a test at the end with questions like [sample question 1][sample question 2]. Don’t give me the answers. After I respond, tell me if I got the answer right. I really want to learn. Make sure you explain everything like I don’t know anything about the topic and cover from the basics to advance levels.

45. For your introductory physics class in college, write a poem that resonates with themes like [specific physics topic or concept]. Use the style of Robert Frost [add any style] and make sure it touches upon [specific element or emotion].

46. Write a detailed essay for me on [specific topic like ‘gravity’ or ‘photosynthesis’]. Dive deep by adding information from sources like [specific book or researcher]. Write the essay using simple English. Imagine you’re explaining the topic to a 5-year-old or someone who has never heard about it.

47. Solve this [specific math problem or equation] for me. Ensure you go step-by-step. While explaining, touch upon concepts like [specific math concept or rule] and tell me how you used them. I want a clear understanding of each part of the solution.

Develop Anything as a Coder Faster

48. When working with mathematical operations in [Python], it’s common to calculate factorials. Can you help by writing a function in [Python] to calculate the factorial of a given number [Number to Calculate]?

49. Write a function in [Python] to compute the factorial of a specific number [Number to Calculate].

50. Design a [JavaScript or any other language] program that provides a basic calculator functionality. Ensure it has operations like [Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide or add any other functionality].

51. Please provide a [C++] code to sort an array of integers [Array of Integers] using the bubble sort method.

52. Write a [Python] script that extracts data from a website [Website URL] and saves it to a CSV file. (Note for the user: It’s better to plugins in ChatGPT for such tasks.)

53. Develop a [Java] program to implement a simple chatbot that utilizes natural language processing [Specify NLP Library/Tool].

54. Please furnish a [C#] code that creates a basic game using the Unity engine [Specific Game Genre or Concept].

55. Draft a [Python] function that verifies if a particular string [Input String] is a palindrome.

56. Design a [JavaScript] program to create a responsive webpage layout using CSS and HTML [Specific Page Type or Theme].

57. ChatGPT you are a Coding ChatGPT right now and, I want you to act as [Enter your profile for example python developer] and by using the technology stack [Enter your technology stack] and functionality [Enter functionality] without leaving these mandatory fields [Enter Fields] and optional fields [Enter Fields] perform this [Write a task description].

58. Write a [Python] script to automate specific tasks using the Selenium library [Specific Task or Webpage].

59. Create a [Programming Language] program that implements a basic encryption algorithm [Specific Algorithm or Use-case].

60. Develop a [C# or other language] code to craft a basic windows form application [Specify Application Functionality].

61. Write a [Python] function that produces a random password [Desired Length and Complexity].

62. Develop a [JavaScript] program to perform basic CRUD operations using MongoDB [Specific Collection or Data Type].

63. Generate a [C++ or type any coding language] code to implement a basic data structure, such as a linked list, [Specific Operations or Use-cases].

64. Provide a [Python] script that reads and analyzes data from an excel sheet [Specific Analysis or Data Type].

65. Design a [Java] program that implements a basic algorithm for image processing [Specific Algorithm or Image Type].

66. Develop a [C# or any coding language] code that constructs a basic WPF application [Application Functionality or Theme].

67. Write a [Python] function to implement a basic natural language processing task.

68. Write [JavaScript] program that establishes a basic blockchain [Specific Blockchain Functionality].

69. I have an h264 video too large for Twitter; assist with a bash script to adapt it to the proper format with the highest quality [Output Format].

70. Create a TypeScript function that calculates implied volatility using the Black-Scholes model, explaining each step [Specific Market Data].

71. Please only reply using the p5.js code. Please concisely implement a cellular automaton life game with 30 lines or less. – 800,800 by 800 pixels -Sorry, no line breaks. Please refrain from leaving comment-outs [Specific Cell Behavior or Pattern].

72. Identify the bug in this given [Code] and provide suggestions for improvement.

73. This year, the elves invested in a gift-wrapping machine. However, it isn’t programmed! An algorithm that aids it in the [task] must be developed. Many presents are given to the machine. Each present is a string. Each gift must be wrapped by the machine and displayed with other wrapped gifts. To wrap a gift, you must place the wrapping paper around the string, which is represented by the * symbol. For instance: const gifts are [“cat,” “game,” and “socks”]. console.log const wrapped = wrapping(gifts) (wrapped) / [“ncatn,” “ngamen,” and “nsocksn**”] */ As you can see, the thread is wrapped in the wrapping paper. The corners are also wrapped in wrapping paper on the top and bottom to prevent any gaps.

74. What exactly does this strange-looking regex do? [ add your regex code example: ((([01]?\d)|(two[0-three])): ([0-five]?\d)) ((:[0-five]?\d))?\s? ?b/i; (am|pm)]

75. I require UI assistance. I need three action buttons for a card component that includes a long statement, but I don’t want the buttons to always be visible. [specify your requirements for example: I need a good UI that functions on both desktop and mobile since if I try to show the buttons on Hoover, that logic won’t work on mobile.]

76. Can you explain how this [coding language] code [code snippet] performs [task] and why it uses [specific process]?

77. Write a [Python] script to implement a neural network for image classification using TensorFlow.

78. Write a [Python] script that sets up a neural network for classifying images using TensorFlow [Specific Dataset or Image Type].

79. Provide a [Python] script that implements a reinforcement learning algorithm to develop game-playing AI [Specific Game or Scenario].

80. Take this [Java or other language] code and rewrite it into the [C++ or any desired Language], ensuring that functionality remains consistent.

81. Generate a [C++] code to perform a basic simulation of a self-driving car using ROS (Robot Operating System) [Specific Road Conditions or Scenarios].

82. Write a [Python] script to implement a deep learning model for natural language generation.

83. Create a [JavaScript] program to implement a basic chatbot using Dialogflow.

Create Fascinating Poems and Catchy Songs

84. Write a poem that captures the essence of love and loss. Please consider using [specific metaphors that resonate with your personal experience] and [a particular imagery theme] to deepen the emotional connection. The desired mood of the poem is [e.g. melancholic, hopeful, nostalgic].

85. Draft a heartfelt poem that portrays the breathtaking beauty of a sunset over the ocean. Capture the [specific colors you want highlighted] and the array of emotions it evokes, such as [e.g. peace, reflection, wonder].

86. Create lyrics for a song that encapsulates the journey of chasing dreams and navigating through [specific types of obstacles, e.g. societal expectations, self-doubt]. The song’s tone should be [e.g. uplifting, motivational, introspective].

87. Conjure a short story centered on a musician who, during their [specific journey or adventure], stumbles upon their genuine passion. The setting should be [e.g. a bustling city, a quiet village].

88. Craft a script for a music video narrating a tale of heartbreak followed by redemption. The main characters should [face specific challenges], and the video’s climax should focus on [a significant turning point].

89. Compose a sonnet celebrating the splendors of nature, using [specific imagery like mountains, rivers, forests] and rhyme. The sonnet’s tone should be [e.g. contemplative, joyous].

90. Produce a monologue intended for a play, spotlighting a struggling artist striving to find their place in the competitive music industry. The artist should face dilemmas like [e.g. choosing between fame and integrity, balancing personal life and career].

91. Write a song that emphasizes the immense power and importance of friendship and the support system it provides. The lyrics should mention [specific events or memories] that highlight these themes.

92. Create a poem about time’s elusive nature, employing [specific personification techniques] and [allusions to historical or mythical figures/events]. The poem’s theme should be [e.g. acceptance, longing].

93. Generate a concise piece of poetry about a band that, after [specific duration, e.g. a decade], decides to reunite. Mention the reasons for their initial split and [the events that led to their reunion].

94. Draft a script for a musical showcasing the ascent and decline of a famed musician. Incorporate [specific events or eras, e.g. the 70s rock scene] and the personal challenges faced by the musician, such as [e.g. addiction, relationships].

95. Compose song lyrics that delve into both the enchanting allure and the torment of falling in love. Reflect upon [specific emotions or experiences, e.g. the first date, heartbreak].

96. Create a monologue for a play depicting the tribulations of a musician’s life. Address [specific struggles like financial woes, maintaining originality] and the sacrifices made for their art.

97. Write a poem that captures the ethereal beauty of music, using [specific imagery like flowing rivers, towering mountains] and metaphors. The poem should convey the [specific feeling, e.g. solace, nostalgia] music brings.

98. Design lyrics for a song stressing the significance of remaining genuine and authentic. Highlight [specific situations or challenges, e.g. societal pressures, self-doubt] where staying true to oneself is vital.

99. Write a short story about a musician who confronts and overcomes their [specific personal demons, e.g. addiction, past traumas] to achieve success. The story’s climax should be [a significant event, e.g. a breakthrough performance].

100. Craft a script for a music video narrating a tale of self-realization and empowerment. The protagonist should undergo [specific challenges or experiences] leading them to a pivotal moment of self-discovery.

Make ChatGPT “Act As Someone”

101. I want you to act as a linux terminal Specify the version of Linux [e.g., Ubuntu 20.04]. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. [Mention the purpose of using this Linux session: e.g.,I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do not write explanations. do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. when i need to tell you something in english, i will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. my first command is pwd.]

102. Pretend you’re a travel blogger recounting your recent adventure to [a specific island name, e.g., “Bali”]. Describe the most interesting [landmarks, or foods, or people] you encountered. Share the sights, sounds, and unique experiences of [a specific day or event during the trip].

103. I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language [specific language e.g., “Turkish”] and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more literary. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. [Specify if there’s a theme or topic for the conversation] My first sentence is “istanbulu cok seviyom burada olmak cok guzel.

104. I want you to act as an interviewer for [a specific industry, e.g., “Tech”]. I’m applying for [specific position, e.g., “software engineer”]. Ask me the interview questions related to [specific skills or tasks e.g., “Java programming”]. My first sentence is “Hi”.

105. I want you to act as a javascript console of [specific browser e.g., “Chrome”]. I will type commands related to [specific topic e.g., “DOM Manipulation”]. Reply with the javascript console output. My first command is console.log(“Hello World”).

106. I want you to act as a text-based excel with specific needs. Provide a text-based 10 rows excel sheet for [specific purpose e.g., “budgeting”]. I’ll fill in the data related to [specific topic e.g., “monthly expenses”]. First, reply me the empty sheet.

107. I want you to act as an English pronunciation assistant for Turkish speaking people with [specific accent focus e.g., “American accent”]. Guide me on pronouncing [specific types of words e.g., “common phrases”]. My first sentence is “how the weather is in Istanbul?.

108. I want you to act as a travel guide. I will write you my location and you will suggest a place to visit near my location. In some cases, I will also give you the type of places I will visit. You will also suggest me places of similar type that are close to my first location. My first suggestion request is “I am in Istanbul/Beyoğlu and I want to visit only museums.”

109. I want you to act as an [advertiser]. You will create a [task such as campaign to promote a product or service of your choice]. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion request is “I need help creating an advertising campaign for a new type of energy drink targeting young adults aged 18-30.”

110. Imagine you’re a [specify the expertise like marketing expert] tasked with launching a promotional campaign [or any other task] for a cutting-edge fitness app aimed at health enthusiasts. Define your target audience, craft compelling messages and taglines, pick the best channels to spread the word, and outline any extra strategies you’d employ to ensure the campaign’s success. To start, how would you design an advertising campaign to introduce the fitness app to busy professionals looking to stay in shape?

111. I want you to act as a [stand-up comedian]. I will provide you with some [topics] related to [current events] and you will use your wit, creativity, and observational skills to create a routine based on those topics. You should also be sure to incorporate personal anecdotes or experiences into the routine in order to make it more relatable and engaging for the audience. My first request is “I want an humorous take on politics.”

112. I want you to act as a motivational coach specializing in [specific areas e.g., “academic success”]. Help with strategies for [specific goals e.g., “exam preparation”] and suggest [specific activities or resources e.g., “study techniques”]. My first request is “motivation for studying.”

113. I want you to act as a virtual personal assistant. Organize my appointments for [specific time frame e.g., “the upcoming week”]. Focus on [specific type of appointments e.g., “business meetings”].”

114. I want you to act as a language translator for [specific language pair e.g., “English to Spanish”]. Translate this [specific type of document e.g., “legal document”].

115. I want you to act as a [research assistant] and gather information [mention the type of information] on a specific topic for me.

116. I want you to act as a financial advisor specializing in [specific area e.g., “personal savings”]. Generate a budget plan considering [specific financial goals e.g., “buying a new home in 5 years”]. Make sure to include [specific categories e.g., “monthly expenses, investments, and potential savings”].

117. I want you to act as a personal stylist focusing on [specific type of events e.g., “formal events”]. Suggest outfits for an upcoming [specific event e.g., “wedding”]. Consider [specific styles or trends e.g., “summer trends of 2023”].

118. I want you to act as a virtual writing assistant. Assist me in writing an essay on [specific topic e.g., “climate change”]. Ensure the essay includes [specific elements e.g., “causes, effects, and potential solutions”]. The target audience for the essay is [specific group e.g., “high school students”].

119. I want you to act as a virtual event planner. Plan a [specific type of party e.g., “surprise birthday”] party for my friend. Ensure it includes [specific elements e.g., “theme, venue, and food options”]. The location for the party is [specific city or area e.g., “downtown Los Angeles”].

120. I want you to act as a personal chef with expertise in [specific diet e.g., “vegetarian cuisine”]. Suggest a healthy meal plan for [specific time frame e.g., “the upcoming week”]. Ensure the plan meets [specific dietary requirements e.g., “low-carb and high-protein”].

ChatGPT Gaming Prompts

121. Discuss the RPG game [explain as much as you can about the game] I’ve just finished. Share details about its [main storyline], the [key gameplay mechanics] and the [unique features] that set it apart.

122. I’m new to the game [Any Game Name]. Assist me in writing a beginner’s guide. Explain the [basic controls], the [main objectives of the game], and some [early strategies to adopt].

123. We’re brainstorming for a new fantasy video game. Let’s map out its [title and primary theme], define its main [characters and their roles], and describe the [world setting and lore]. What would be its main [challenges and objectives]?

124. I want to be better at [name of any game say Call of Duty]. Provide a guide detailing [aiming and shooting techniques], best practices for [navigating different maps], and expert [tactics for different game modes].

125. To promote my new mobile game, I need an effective marketing strategy. Describe the game’s [unique selling points], identify potential [target audiences and age groups], and suggest which [social media or advertising platforms] would be most beneficial.

126. I’m developing dialogues for characters in a mystery-themed game. Describe the [central storyline and setting], introduce the main [characters and their backgrounds], and then craft dialogues that convey [plot twists or vital information].

127. I need suggestions for gaming laptops. List those under $1000 and evaluate them based on [hardware specs and performance], their [screen quality and size], and [battery longevity].

128. Guide me through [Game name like The Legend of Zelda]. Provide a walkthrough highlighting the game’s [core mechanics], strategies for overcoming [challenging sections or puzzles], and tips to defeat [boss battles].

129. I’m in the process of designing a game level. Detail its [environment and ambiance], the expected [player challenges and interactions], and describe any [enemies or non-player characters (NPCs)] present.

130. For my free-to-play mobile game, I need monetization strategies. Propose ideas based on [in-app purchases and upgrades], strategies for [ad placements and frequency], and potential [collaborations or brand tie-ins].

131. My online multiplayer game has a new update. Draft a patch note addressing the [newly added features or characters][bug fixes and performance improvements], and any [balance changes to gameplay].

132. Let’s deepen the story for my sci-fi game. Develop a backstory considering the [origin story of the universe], major [events or crises], and the roles of various [alien races or factions].

133. I’m designing a new role-playing game. Share suggestions on [core gameplay mechanics], potential [story arcs], and ideas for [character classes and their abilities].

134. Guide me on optimizing my PC for gaming. Provide advice on [hardware upgrades][software tweaks], and [best settings] for popular games like “Cyberpunk 2077”.

135. I’m introducing my friend to gaming. Recommend [5 beginner-friendly games], brief descriptions of each, and [key tips] to enjoy them.

136. I’m stuck on a puzzle in the game “The Witness”. Explain the [core mechanics of the game] and provide a hint for [specific puzzle type] without giving away the full solution.

137. Help me strategize my gameplay for “Among Us”. Offer tips on [playing as a crewmate], tactics for [being an effective imposter], and [communication strategies] to win trust.

138. I’m hosting a gaming night for my friends. Suggest [5 multiplayer games] suitable for a group setting, with brief [descriptions] and [required equipment or setups].

139. I’m considering streaming my gameplay on platforms like Twitch. Share advice on [setting up a streaming rig][engaging with viewers], and [promoting my stream] for increased visibility.

140. Help me design a boss battle for my game. Describe its [appearance and lore], its [attack patterns], and [strategies players can use] to defeat it.

Write Sales Pitches and Perform Other Sales Tasks

141. Craft a compelling sales pitch for a new fitness app designed for busy professionals. This app is tailored for [specific needs of the corporate environment]. Explain how the app will cater to corporate clients who wish to promote employee wellness, highlighting its unique features such as [mention any specific tools or components of the app].

142. Generate a list of objections potential customers might present when considering a luxury car. These objections can be related to [specific aspects such as price, maintenance, or brand reputation]. Also, provide rebuttals for each objection, emphasizing the benefits and value of investing in such a car.

143. Create an email campaign strategy targeting previous shoppers. This strategy will focus on re-engaging past customers of an online fashion store. Highlight [specific reasons they might have drifted away] and offer enticing reasons like [special offers or product launches] to bring them back.

144. Write a script for a webinar that aims to educate potential customers about solar energy. Emphasize on the main topics like [benefits of solar energy, cost savings, and environmental impact] and how these advantages can make a difference in their daily lives.

145. Develop a step-by-step guide to effectively train new sales representatives. This guide should cover important aspects such as [product knowledge, sales techniques, and customer handling], ensuring they’re adept at closing high-value deals.

146. Create a detailed competitive analysis comparing our organic skincare brand with the top market competitors. This analysis should delve into aspects like [product ingredients, pricing, and customer reviews], showcasing where our brand stands out.

147. Formulate a set of questions for customer discovery interviews. These questions will aim to uncover the pain points customers might have with a SaaS product. Focus on understanding [user experience, pricing concerns, and feature requests].

148. Craft a detailed proposal emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity. Pitch this proposal to a hospital chain, highlighting the immense benefits of ensuring patient data security, and pinpointing the risks like [data breaches, patient privacy, and legal implications] that they might face without these services.

149. Develop a strategic quarterly sales plan with the aim of boosting revenue for a local bookstore that’s facing challenges. Offer solutions and strategies focusing on [promotions, community events, and partnerships] to attract more customers.

150. Create a detailed buyer persona for a pet insurance company. This persona should encompass key characteristics like [pet type, owner demographics, and common concerns] to better understand and target potential customers.

Design Outstanding UI/UX Interfaces

151. Develop a comprehensive usability testing plan for a new e-commerce website. When designing the plan, consider [the primary target audience][the main products or services offered by the website], and [any specific regions or demographics you want to focus on]. Ensure the plan can help identify key user pain points.

152. Create wireframes and user flows for a mobile banking app aimed at senior citizens. The design should take into account [common challenges faced by seniors when using mobile apps][specific banking functions they prioritize], and [any preferred visual design elements or themes].

153. Conduct a heuristic analysis on a travel booking website and provide detailed recommendations. Focus on [specific website sections or pages][types of trips or packages offered], and [key customer feedback or complaints received in the past].

154. Generate a list of must-have features for an online learning platform targeting young professionals. Take into consideration [the main subjects or fields they are interested in][learning formats they prefer e.g. video, articles, quizzes], and [any additional tools or resources that might aid their learning journey].

155. Conduct an A/B testing plan for a landing page to optimize conversion rates. The plan should focus on [specific elements or sections of the landing page][desired user actions or outcomes], and [metrics or KPIs to evaluate the success of the testing].

156. Design a responsive navigation menu for a multi-service platform. Ensure the menu accommodates [services ranging from online courses to consulting][a user account section][a search function], and [dynamic display depending on user membership level].

157. Develop wireframes for a dashboard tailored for a project management tool for remote teams. The design should consider [visual representation of task status][communication channels][time-zone differences], and [integration with third-party apps like calendars or email].

158. Research and compile a list of best practices for ensuring website accessibility for visually impaired users. Detail [tools and software to test accessibility][color contrast and typography considerations][navigational aids like screen reader-friendly menus], and [incorporation of voice commands or alternative input methods].

159. Propose a redesign for an outdated news portal website. Your proposal should emphasize [efficient content categorization][incorporation of multimedia like videos or podcasts][personalization based on user reading habits], and [optimization for quick loading and smooth user experience].

ChatGPT Prompts on Law

160. Draft a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for a personal injury lawsuit. Consider the following: [Type of injury (e.g., car accident, slip and fall)][Location where the injury occurred (e.g., workplace, public space)], and [Specific steps/documents needed (e.g., medical reports, witness statements)]. The audience for this guide is [Specify the target audience, e.g., victims, lawyers, caregivers].

161. Create a list of important factors to consider when choosing an immigration lawyer. These factors might include [Country of destination][Type of immigration (e.g., work visa, family reunion, asylum)], and [Specific services needed (e.g., application filing, court representation)]. This list is intended for [Specify the target group, e.g., immigrants, refugees, employers sponsoring visas].

161. Generate a set of tips for law students preparing for the bar exam. Consider aspects such as [Areas of law (e.g., civil, criminal, torts)][Study methods (e.g., group study, flashcards, mock tests)], and [Resources for preparation (e.g., books, online platforms, coaching centers)]. These tips are aimed at [Specify who, e.g., first-time test takers, re-sitters, foreign law graduates].

162. Draft an introductory paragraph for a legal document concerning [specify the legal matter, e.g., ‘property dispute’ or ‘business acquisition’]. Ensure it aligns with the laws of [mention the state or country of jurisdiction] and addresses the main objectives [detail any specific goals or aims the document should achieve].

163. Research and summarize the main points of the case law on [describe the specific legal topic or issue, e.g., ‘intellectual property rights in the tech industry’]. Focus on rulings from [specify a particular court or jurisdiction, e.g., ‘9th Circuit Court of Appeals’] and any notable dissenting opinions [highlight any specific aspects or arguments you’re particularly interested in].

164. Provide an overview of the key legal principles associated with [mention a specific law or regulation, e.g., ‘the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)’]. Elaborate on its applicability in [specify a context or scenario, e.g., ‘online marketing for e-commerce businesses’], and emphasize any recent changes or interpretations [detail any particular amendments or landmark decisions].

165. Outline potential legal arguments for a case involving [describe the nature of the case, e.g., ’employment discrimination’ or ‘breach of contract’]. Focus on the statutes from [mention the relevant legal code or set of laws, e.g., ‘Title VII of the Civil Rights Act’] and weave in references from leading cases [mention any critical cases or precedents you’d like to base your arguments on].

166. Generate a checklist for client intake on matters related to [specify the area of law, e.g., ‘family law’ or ‘corporate mergers’]. Ensure it includes relevant details about [highlight the critical components, e.g., ‘assets, liabilities, and dependents’ or ‘existing contracts, stakeholders, and pending litigations’].

ChatGPT Prompts to Generate AI Art

167. Produce a digital painting of a serene landscape featuring [mention specific features, e.g., ‘a flowing river, tall pine trees, and a sunset’]. Make sure to emphasize [highlight a particular color palette or mood, e.g., ‘warm oranges and purples for a twilight feel’] and include subtle details like [specify smaller elements, e.g., ‘birds in the sky or ripples in the water’].

168. Generate a detailed illustration of [describe a specific scene or character, e.g., ‘a knight defending a stone bridge from a dragon’]. Keep the focus on [mention specific aspects, e.g., ‘the knight’s intricate armor design’] and use a color scheme that’s predominantly [choose colors, e.g., ‘silver and deep blue’].

169. Create a digital artwork of a mountain landscape using a latent vector of [mention a specific value or range]. Set the diffusion steps to [specify a number] and adjust the temperature to [mention a desired value] to capture the details and textures of the rocky surfaces.

170. An image of [adjective describing mood or atmosphere, e.g., ‘tranquil’][subject, e.g., ‘forest glade’] where [subject] is [doing action, e.g., ‘swayed by a gentle breeze’]. Add a [creative lighting style, e.g., ‘soft dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy’] to highlight the depth and layers of the scene. The visualization should offer realism that wouldn’t feel out of place. To truly bring this vision to life, infuse the artistic styles and nuances reminiscent of the masterful techniques employed by [famous artist 1], combined with the bold expressions of [famous artist 2], and capped off with the signature touches characteristic of [famous artist 3]. Moreover, consider the color palette and brush strokes synonymous with these artists, ensuring a seamless blend that pays homage to their iconic works. User Mixerbox plugin to create awesome AI images with ChatGPT.

Write a Novel Using ChatGPT Prompts

171. Brainstorm potential character profiles for my upcoming novel. I am looking for characters who fit into [specify the novel’s setting, e.g., ‘a post-apocalyptic world’] and their roles should be [define roles like ‘protagonists’, ‘antagonists’, ‘supporting characters’]. Please focus on [specify specific character traits, backgrounds, or any other details you want].

172. Help me create plot twists for my story. My novel’s current plot revolves around [provide a brief outline of your novel’s plot]. I need unexpected twists related to [specify elements like ‘a hidden family secret’, ‘a betrayal’, ‘a revelation’].

173. Suggest some atmospheric descriptions for my story’s setting. The story takes place in [describe your story’s primary location, e.g., ‘a haunted mansion’, ‘a bustling 1920s city’]. I want the descriptions to evoke feelings of [mention desired emotions like ‘dread’, ‘nostalgia’, ‘wonder’].

174. Provide dialogue samples for a scene in my book. The scene involves [describe the situation, e.g., ‘a heated argument between two lovers’] taking place at [specify location]. The key topics they discuss are [list key points or subjects the characters are discussing].

175. Help me structure a subplot for my novel. The main story is about [give the main plot of your novel], but I want to introduce a subplot involving [specify characters or themes, e.g., ‘the protagonist’s estranged sibling’, ‘a mysterious artifact’]. This subplot should touch on themes like [mention themes you want to explore, e.g., ‘redemption’, ‘forbidden love’].

176. Offer guidance on writing an emotionally charged scene. I want to depict [describe the situation, e.g., ‘a tearful reunion between mother and child’]. I want to focus on [list elements like ‘dialogues’, ‘character reactions’, ‘environmental details’] to create the right emotional impact.

177. Recommend potential conflicts for my characters. Given their backgrounds [briefly describe main characters’ backgrounds or traits], suggest situations where they would come into conflict due to [specify reasons e.g., ‘differing beliefs’, ‘past events’, ‘external pressures’].

Use ChatGPT Like a Virtual Assistant

178. Please help me schedule a meeting for next week. I’d like to discuss [specific topic of the meeting] with my team members [mention their names]. Can you check the availability for [date and time range] and let me know? This is important as we are approaching a critical phase of [project or task name] and need everyone on board. You can use the Chat with Calendars plugin with this prompt.

179. I received an email from [name of the person or company] regarding [subject or main content of the email]. Can you pull out the key points from it and summarize it for me? I have a presentation on [specific date] and might need to include this information. Use the Clay plugin with this prompt.

180. I have a call scheduled with [name of the person] on [specific date and time]. Can you remind me 30 minutes before it starts? It’s crucial because we’ll be discussing [major agenda points of the call] and I don’t want to miss out. Use the Reminders ChatGPT plugin in order to schedule calls like a virtual assistant.

181. Please draft an email for me to send to [recipient’s name]. The main points to cover are: [key message points]. Also, attach the file named [specific file name] from my documents. This is to update them about our progress in [specific project or task name].

182. Find me the top-rated software/tools for [specific task or purpose, e.g., project management, video conferencing]. We are planning to upgrade our systems in the next quarter, and I want to discuss this in our next team meeting on [specific date]. You can use There’s An AI For That plugin with the above prompt.

183. Could you help me book a flight to [destination] for [specific date range]? I have a business conference to attend there related to [specific topic or agenda]. Also, ensure there’s WiFi availability during the flight as I might need to work on [specific task or project]. Use the ixigo plugin with ChatGPT to book flights with the above prompt.

184. Please schedule a time for me to catch up with [specific team or department, e.g., marketing or HR] next week. We need to review the progress of [specific project or campaign] and plan the next steps.

185. I need to prepare a report on [specific topic or area]. Can you gather data and statistics related to it from the past [specific time duration, e.g., six months or a year]? This will help in our quarterly review meeting with [specific person or team]. Use the Research by Vector ChatGPT plugin with the above prompt.

ChatGPT Prompts for Cooking and Recipes

186. Please generate a step-by-step process on preparing [specific dish you’d like ChatGPT to explain]. Ensure it includes ingredient measurements, tools needed, and relevant tips that a novice cook should be aware of. Furthermore, clarify any specific regional variants of this dish if you are aware of them.

187. Help create a list of essential kitchen tools and equipment needed to set up a new kitchen from scratch. Please prioritize based on [type of cuisine the kitchen will mostly be used for] and consider space limitations as our kitchen space is [specific dimensions or space constraints].

188. We’re planning to have a themed dinner party based on [specific cuisine or theme you want to focus on]. Could you suggest a menu consisting of a starter, main course, dessert, and a drink? Please also provide any special instructions for presentation or serving to make the experience more authentic.

189. We’re aiming to introduce a new line of [specific kitchen gadgets or tools]. Can you list down potential uses and benefits, considering the needs of someone who often cooks [specific type of meals or dishes they prepare]?

190. Our team needs recipes that cater to [specific dietary requirements, e.g., vegan, gluten-free, low-carb]. Can you provide a weekly meal plan including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack? Please ensure that the recipes are easy to follow, and highlight any unique ingredients that might be hard to find.

191. For our cooking class next month, we’re focusing on [specific cooking technique or method, e.g., grilling, sous-vide]. Can you generate a detailed guide on mastering this technique, including common mistakes to avoid, and the best dishes to try it with?

192. We have access to a lot of [specific ingredients, e.g., zucchini, chicken, blueberries] right now. Could you suggest clever recipes or ways to combine them into different meals of the day? Also, provide storage or preservation tips if we can’t use them all at once.

Grow an Affiliate Marketing Business With These Prompts

193. Provide a detailed strategy for promoting our new product launch. We have a new product called [name of the product] which targets [specific audience or niche]. We would like to know the best channels and tactics to use in our Affiliate Marketing campaign. Share the expected ROI and metrics we should track.

194. Curate a list of top-performing affiliates in our niche. We operate in the [specific market or sector] and are looking to partner with leading affiliates. Give a brief overview of each affiliate’s strengths, audience reach, and past performance metrics.

195. Design a landing page optimized for our affiliate traffic. The main goal is to convert visitors coming from [specific affiliate partner or platform] for our [specific product or service]. Include suggestions for the headline, call-to-action, and visual elements.

196. Outline a comprehensive email marketing plan for our affiliate partners. The objective is to keep our affiliates updated about our [new product launches, promotions, or events]. Share ideas for email sequences, subject lines, and content themes.

197. Suggest ways to optimize our affiliate commission structure. Currently, our commission rates are [mention your current commission rates]. Provide insights on industry standards in the [specific sector or niche] and recommend adjustments to attract and retain top affiliates.

198. Recommend tools and platforms to enhance our affiliate tracking and analytics. We want to monitor metrics such as [click-through rates, conversions, and ROI] for our campaigns. Highlight the pros and cons of each tool, considering our specific needs in the [specific market or sector].

199. Draft an Affiliate Onboarding Guide for new partners. As we expand our affiliate base in the [specific market or niche], we want to ensure a seamless onboarding experience. Include sections on our brand story, product details, marketing resources, and commission structure.

Grow an eCommerce Store with These ChatGPT Prompts

200. Determine which products are in high demand for our store. Consider the products we’ve added in the last [number of months, e.g., “six months”]. Focus on categories like [mention specific product categories, e.g., “electronics, fashion, home decor”] and the age groups they appeal to [specify age groups, e.g., “18-25, 25-35”]. Use this information to recommend top-selling items.

201. Provide strategies to boost customer reviews and feedback. Based on the products we sell most frequently, [list a few top-selling products, e.g., “smartphones, sneakers, kitchen appliances”], how can we encourage more users to leave positive reviews? Consider incentives or campaigns targeting [mention specific customer segments, e.g., “repeat buyers, new customers”].

202. Offer insights on optimizing our website layout for a better shopping experience. Evaluate our current design focused on [list a few elements, e.g., “product images, checkout process, mobile responsiveness”] and provide suggestions that would appeal to our primary audience, which consists of [mention demographics, e.g., “young adults, professionals, parents”].

203. Help us identify potential seasonal sales opportunities for the upcoming year. Based on our primary products like [mention a few product types, e.g., “winter clothing, swimwear, back-to-school supplies”], what seasonal campaigns can we run? Also, consider cultural events and holidays that are relevant to our audience from [mention a specific region or country, e.g., “North America, Europe”].

204. Recommend ways to improve our after-sales service and customer support. Currently, we offer support through [mention current channels, e.g., “email, chat, phone calls”]. What improvements can we make to better assist customers who purchase [mention specific product categories, e.g., “tech gadgets, fashion accessories, kitchenware”]?

205. Assist in creating a loyalty program for our regular shoppers. Looking at our most frequent shoppers who often buy [list a few product categories, e.g., “beauty products, electronic gadgets, home furnishings”], what rewards or incentives would appeal most to them? Think about point systems, discounts, or exclusive events for members.

206. Provide tactics to reduce cart abandonment rates on our website. Delve into the reasons why customers might leave items in their cart without completing the purchase, especially when they’re shopping for [mention high-ticket items or categories, e.g., “luxury watches, designer bags, home entertainment systems”]. Offer solutions to address these reasons and boost conversions.

ChatGPT Prompts for Career

207. For professionals in the [mention specific career], what are the top 5 skills they need to master this year? Please take into account the latest trends in [mention a specific domain or field related to that career] and the challenges faced by [mention a particular group or demographic in that career].

208. What advice would be most beneficial for individuals transitioning into the [mention specific career or industry]? Highlight the main hurdles they might face, the resources [mention specific tools, courses, or books] they should leverage, and the networks or groups they should join.

209. When conducting a workshop for [mention specific career professionals], what would be the core topics to focus on? The workshop aims to address the needs of [mention a particular subset like beginners, experts, etc.] and should cover practical aspects related to [mention areas of interest or challenges in that career].

210. How can [mention specific career professionals] best position themselves for promotions or leadership roles? Please consider the dynamics of the industry, essential soft skills, and the technical knowledge related to [mention specific tasks or responsibilities in the career].

211. Which online courses or certifications would be most valuable for someone in the [mention specific career]? Especially considering the evolution of [mention certain technologies, methodologies, or industry trends], and the aspirations of [mention specific goals like career progression, specialization, etc.].

212. How can professionals in the [mention specific career] better network and create meaningful connections? Given the current scenario of [mention a specific event or trend, e.g., remote working, digital transformation], what platforms or strategies should they employ?

213. When looking for a job in the [mention specific career or industry], what are the top platforms or websites that might have the most relevant listings? Also, considering the nuances of [mention the region or specific job market trends], what are the best strategies to stand out during the application and interview process? Lastly, provide recommendations on any [mention specific tools, resources, or connections] that could be beneficial during this job search.

214. I’m searching for a job in the field of [mention specific career or industry]. Based on the latest market trends in [mention a specific region or city], can you recommend potential job listings or companies hiring in this domain? Additionally, considering my experience in [mention specific skills or previous job roles], which positions would align best with my background? Use a Wanted Job Search ChatGPT plugin and then use the above prompt to find better jobs.

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts to 10x Your Excel Skills

Useful Excel ChatGPT Prompts to 10x Your Excel Skills

S.noExcel ChatGPT Prompts
1“I want you to act as a text based excel, you’ll only reply me the text-based 10 rows excel sheet with row numbers and cell letters as columns (A to L), First column header should be empty to reference row number, I will tell you what to write into cells and you’ll reply only the result of excel table as text, and nothing else, Do not write explanations, i will write you formulas and you’ll execute formulas and you’ll only reply the result of excel table as text, First, reply me the empty sheet”
2“How to use the IF function to perform logical tests and return specific results”
3“How to use the VLOOKUP function to retrieve data from a table based on a lookup value”
4“How to use the INDEX and MATCH functions together to create a powerful lookup formula”
5“How to use the SUMIF and SUMIFS functions to sum cells that meet specific criteria”
6“How to use the COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions to count cells that meet specific criteria”
7“How to use the AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS functions to calculate the average of cells that meet specific criteria”
8“How to use the MAX and MIN functions to find the largest and smallest values in a range of cells”
9“How to use the CONCATENATE function to combine text from multiple cells into one cell”
10“How to use the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions to extract specific characters from a text string”
11“How to use the LEN function to count the number of characters in a text string”
12“How to use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces from a text string”
13“How to use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace specific text in a cell with new text”
14“How to use the DATE and TIME functions to insert the current date and time into a cell”
15“How to use the ROUND and ROUNDUP functions to round numbers to a specific number of decimal places”
16“How to use the MOD function to find the remainder of a division operation”
17“How to use the ABS function to find the absolute value of a number”
18“How to use the PI function to insert the value of pi into a cell”
19“How to use the AND and OR functions to perform multiple logical tests in a single formula”
20“How to use the NOT function to reverse the logical value of a cell”
21“How to use the IFERROR function to handle errors in a formula and return a specific value instead”
22“Write me an excel command to use the SUM function to add up a range of cells”
23“Write me an excel command to use the COUNT function to count the number of cells with data in a range”
24“Write me an excel command to use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average of a range of cells”
25“Write me an excel command to use the MAX function to find the highest value in a range of cells”
26“Write me an excel command to use the MIN function to find the lowest value in a range of cells”
27“Write me an excel command to use the CONCATENATE function to join text from multiple cells into one cell”
28“Write me an excel command to use the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions to extract specific characters from a text string”
29“Write me an excel command to use the LEN function to count the number of characters in a text string”
30“Write me an excel command to use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces from a text string”
31“Write me an excel command to use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace specific text in a cell with new text”
32“Write me an excel command to use the DATE and TIME functions to insert the current date and time into a cell”
33“Write me an excel command to use the ROUND and ROUNDUP functions to round numbers to a specific number of decimal places”
34“Write me an excel command to use the MOD function to find the remainder of a division operation”
35“Write me an excel command to use the ABS function to find the absolute value of a number”
36“Write me an excel command to use the PI function to insert the value of pi into a cell”
37“Write me an excel command to use the AND and OR functions to perform multiple logical tests in a single formula”
38“Write me an excel command to use the NOT function to reverse the logical value of a cell”
39“Write me an excel command to use the IFERROR function to handle errors in a formula and return a specific value instead”
40“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH functions to perform advanced lookups”
41“Write me an excel command to use the Pivot Table to summarize and analyze large amounts of data”
42“Write me an excel command [your question]”
43“I’ve been trying to use data validation on cells that have formulas in them But it seems like it doesn’t work even on the latest excel versions? For example, cell A2 contains formula =B2+C2 If i set the validation on cell A2 saying that the sum shouldn’t be greater than 10, any number could still be put into cells B2 and C2,
44“Write a VBA Excel macro that looks at the value in cell C2 and finds the worksheet with the exact name Then create a PDF and save it to the same file location the Excel file is saved in”
45“Write me an excel command to restrict someone from copying a cell from your worksheet?”
46“Code an excel macro to generate and employee table with the following columns and 10000 randomized entries”
47“Extract the fourth word in [Cell] only when cell [Cell Number] is greater than 100 and when [Cell] starts with the word “xyz” and ends with the word “zyx”” “Example: Extract the fourth word in A1 only when cell B1 is greater than 100 and when C1 starts with the word “hello” and ends with the word “goodbye”“
48“Sum of column A when column B contains the word “marketing” and column C is today’s date”
49“Write me an excel command to use the HLOOKUP function to retrieve data from a table based on a horizontal lookup value”
50“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and INDIRECT functions together to create a dynamic cell reference”
51“Write me an excel command to use the SUMPRODUCT function to multiply corresponding ranges or arrays and then return the sum of products”
52“Write me an excel command to use the COUNTIFS and SUMIFS functions together to analyze data based on multiple criteria”
53“Write me an excel command to use the IF and SUMIF function together to create a formula that sums the values of cells based on a specific condition”
54“Write me an excel command to use the VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH functions together to create a robust data lookup formula”
55“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and Offset functions to create a dynamic named range”
56“Write me an excel command to use the CONCATENATE, LEFT, and RIGHT function together to create a formula that extract a specific part of a text string”
57“Write me an excel command to use the DATEVALUE and TIMEVALUE function to convert a date and time text string into a date and time serial number”
58“Write me an excel command to use the ROUNDUP, CEILING and FLOOR functions to round numbers to the nearest specified multiple of significance”
59“Write me an excel command to use the IF and IFERROR function together to handle errors and return a specific value or text”
60“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and match_type parameter to perform approximate match lookups”
61“Write me an excel command to use the IF and AND function together to create a formula that test multiple conditions in a single formula”
62“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH function together with the Array Formula to extract unique values”
63“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF and SUMIFS function with wildcards to sum cells that match specific criteria containing wildcards”
64“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and AGGREGATE function together to return the k-th smallest or largest value in a range”
65“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH function together with the INDEX function to create a two-way lookup”
66“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH function together with the INDEX and MATCH function to create a multi-dimensional lookup”
67“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and ROWS function together to find the last row of data in a sheet”
68“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and COLUMNS function together to find the last column of data in a sheet”
69“Write the formula for the following? – Multiply the value in cell A1 by 10, add the result by 5, and divide it by 2”
70“Excel command to split a column into 2 or more columns”
71“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIFS and COUNTIFS functions together to analyze data based on multiple criteria and return a result as a percentage”
72“Write me an excel command to use the SUMPRODUCT, INDEX and MATCH functions together to retrieve data from a table and perform calculations based on multiple criteria”
73“Write me an excel command to use the IF, AND and OR function together to create a formula that tests multiple conditions and returns a specific result based on those conditions”
74“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH functions together with the Array Formula and the SUM function to perform a sumifs like functionality”
75“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and the INDIRECT function together to create a dynamic named range and use it in a formula”
76“Write me an excel command to use the VLOOKUP and INDEX function together to lookup values in a table and retrieve a corresponding value from a different column”
77“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF, IF and the ROUND function together to sum the values of cells based on a specific condition and round the result to a specific decimal place”
78“Write an excel command to check whether the Pivot table is modified or not”
79“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF, IF and the LEN function together to sum the values of cells based on a specific condition and the length of a text in another cell”
80“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF, IF, and the CHOOSE function together to sum the values of cells based on a specific condition and choose a specific result from a list of options”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Marketers

11o Best Chat GPT Prompts for Marketers

S.No.Chat GPT Prompts For Marketers
1“Generate a list of keywords for a new product launch, including long-tail and high-performing keywords
2“Develop a chatbot script for a customer service representative to handle frequently asked questions and concerns”
3“Generate a compelling headline and meta description for a new blog post about the latest industry trends”
4“Create a social media post that maximizes engagement and reach for a new product launch”
5“Develop a personalized email marketing campaign for a customer segment based on their interests and purchase history”
6“Create a chatbot script for a virtual assistant to schedule meetings and manage calendar events”
7“Generate a list of influencers to collaborate with for a new product launch, including their reach and engagement rates”
8“Develop a personalized landing page for a customer segment based on their interests and purchase history”
9“Create a chatbot script for a virtual personal shopping assistant to assist customers with their online shopping”
10“Generate a list of keywords for an SEO optimization campaign, including long-tail and high-performing keywords”
11“Develop a personalized video ad for a customer segment based on their interests and purchase history”
12“Create a chatbot script for a virtual customer service representative to handle frequently asked questions and concerns”
13“Generate a list of potential partners for a new product launch, including their reach and engagement rates”
14“Develop a personalized email marketing campaign for a customer segment based on their interests and purchase history”
15“Create a chatbot script for a virtual personal shopping assistant to assist customers with their online shopping”
16“Generate a list of keywords for a new product launch, including long-tail and high-performing keywords”
17“Develop a personalized video ad for a customer segment based on their interests and purchase history”
18“Create a chatbot script for a virtual customer service representative to handle frequently asked questions and concerns”
19“Generate a list of potential partners for a new product launch, including their reach and engagement rates”
20“Create a personalized welcome message for new followers on Instagram”
21“Generate engaging captions for our latest product launch on Facebook”
22“Develop a series of witty responses for common customer complaints on Twitter”
23“Create a personalized birthday message for customers on their special day”
24“Generate a series of Instagram stories promoting our upcoming sale”
25“Develop a series of Facebook ads targeting specific demographics”
26“Create a series of Instagram posts highlighting customer testimonials”
27“Generate engaging Instagram captions for our latest fashion collection”
28“Develop a series of Twitter polls to gather customer feedback”
29“Create a personalized thank you message for customers who make a purchase”
30“Generate a series of Instagram stories showcasing our brand’s culture”
31“Develop a series of Facebook ads targeting specific interests”
32“Create a series of Instagram posts featuring our products in real-life scenarios”
33“Generate engaging Twitter posts for our latest product launch”
34“Develop a series of Instagram stories promoting our brand’s sustainability efforts”
35“Create a personalized message for customers who have been loyal for a certain amount of time”
36“Generate a series of Facebook ads targeting specific behaviors”
37“Develop a series of Instagram posts featuring our brand’s community involvement”
38“Create a personalized message for customers who have made multiple purchases”
39“Generate engaging Instagram captions for our latest home decor collection”
40“Introduce your new product to our subscribers in a personalized and engaging way”
41“Create a compelling subject line for an upcoming sale”
42“Generate an email campaign targeting abandoned cart shoppers”
43“Write a persuasive email to promote a limited-time offer”
44“Develop a welcome email series for new subscribers”
45“Create a personalized email targeting customers who haven’t made a purchase in 6 months”
46“Write a persuasive email to upsell a related product”
47“Generate a holiday-themed email promoting gift ideas”
48“Create an email targeting customers who have shown interest in a specific product category”
49“Write a post-purchase follow-up email to encourage customer reviews”
50“Develop an email campaign to re-engage inactive subscribers”
51“Create a personalized email for customers who have made multiple purchases”
52“Write an email promoting a loyalty program”
53“Generate a birthday or anniversary email with a special offer”
54“Create an email promoting a referral program”
55“Write a persuasive email to encourage repeat purchases”
56“Develop an email promoting a limited-time free shipping offer”
57“Create a personalized email for customers who have a high lifetime value”
58“Write an email promoting a flash sale”
59“Generate an email promoting a holiday sale”
60“Create an email promoting a bundle deal”
61“Write an email promoting a free trial or sample”
62“Develop an email promoting a subscription service”
63“Create a personalized email for customers who have shown interest in a specific product”
64“Write an email promoting a clearance sale”
65“Generate an email promoting a buy one, get one deal”
66“Create an email promoting a limited edition product”
67“Write an email promoting a customer appreciation event”
68“Develop an email promoting a contest or giveaway”
69“Create a personalized email for customers who have shown interest in a specific brand or collection”
70“Create a compelling CTA for a new mobile app that helps users manage their finances”
71“Write a product description for a new line of organic skincare products”
72“Develop a sales funnel for a new online course that teaches people how to start their own business”
73“Write an ad for a new line of eco-friendly cleaning products”
74“Design a product page for a new line of fitness supplements”
75“Write a testimonial for a new weight loss program that has helped thousands of people lose weight”
76“Write a blog post about the benefits of using a new type of virtual reality headset for meditation”
77“Create a marketing campaign for a new line of sustainable clothing”
78“Write a product description for a new type of smartwatch that tracks your fitness and health”
79“Develop a sales funnel for a new online course that teaches people how to invest in the stock market”
80“Write an ad for a new line of organic baby products”
81“Design a product page for a new type of electric bike”
82“Write a testimonial for a new type of online therapy program that has helped thousands of people improve their mental health”
83“Write a blog post about the benefits of using a new type of water filter for your home”
84“Create a marketing campaign for a new line of sustainable home decor”
85“Write a product description for a new type of electric car”
86“Develop a sales funnel for a new online course that teaches people how to start their own podcast”
87“Write an ad for a new line of organic pet food”
88“Design a product page for a new type of smart home security system”
89“Write a testimonial for a new type of online language learning program that has helped thousands of people learn a new language”
90“Write a blog post about the benefits of using a new type of air purifier for your home”
91“Create a marketing campaign for a new line of sustainable fashion accessories”
92“Write a product description for a new type of smart thermostat”
93“Develop a sales funnel for a new online course that teaches people how to start their own online store”
94“Write an ad for a new line of organic beauty products”
95“Design a product page for a new type of electric skateboard”
96“Write a testimonial for a new type of online course that has helped thousands of people improve their photography skills”
97“Write a blog post about the benefits of using a new type of noise-cancelling headphones”
98“Create a marketing campaign for a new line of sustainable home appliances”
99“Write a product description for a new type of smartwatch that tracks your sleep and stress levels”
100“Develop a sales funnel for a new online course that teaches people how to start their own blog”
101“Write an ad for a new line of organic snacks”
102“Design a product page for a new type of electric scooter”
103“Write a testimonial for a new type of online course that has helped thousands of people improve their public speaking skills”
104“Write a blog post about the benefits of using a new type of meditation app”
105“Create a marketing campaign for a new line of sustainable office supplies”
106“Write a product description for a new type of electric car charger”
107“Develop a sales funnel for a new online course that teaches people how to start their own podcast”
108“Write an ad for a new line of organic juices”
109“Design a product page for a new type [product name]”
110“Write a blog post about the benefits of using a new type of personal assistant app to help manage your schedule and tasks”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Business

80 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Business

ChatGPT Prompts for Finding Business Ideas

  1. “Generate a list of 10 innovative business ideas in the [industry] sector.”
  2. “Suggest three niche markets within the [industry] that have growth potential.”
  3. “Identify five current trends in the [industry] and how a new business could capitalize on them.”
  4. “Analyze the top three competitors in the [industry] and suggest unique selling points for a new business.”
  5. “Propose five business ideas that focus on sustainability and social impact.”
  1. “Create a list of 10 low-cost business ideas that can be started with minimal investment.”
  2. “Suggest three business ideas that cater to the remote work and freelancing market.”
  3. “Identify five business opportunities arising from recent technological advancements.”
  4. “Provide three business ideas that can help solve common problems faced by small business owners.”
  5. “List five business ideas that can leverage the growing popularity of online shopping.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Creating Invoicing Templates

  1. “Design a professional invoice template for a [industry] business.”
  2. “Create an invoice template with sections for discounts and taxes.”
  3. “Design an invoice template that includes a section for payment terms and due dates.”
  4. “Generate an invoice template with an itemized list of products or services.”
  5. “Create an invoice template that incorporates my business logo and branding.”
  6. “Design a simplified invoice template for recurring billing.”
  7. “Generate an invoice template that can be easily converted to PDF format.”
  1. “Create an invoice template that allows for multiple currencies and languages.”
  2. “Design an invoice template that includes a section for notes or special instructions.”
  3. “Generate a professional quote template that can be easily converted into an invoice.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Business Emails

  1. “Write a professional email introducing my new business to potential clients.”
  2. “Compose a follow-up email for clients who have not responded to a previous inquiry.”
  3. “Craft an email to announce a new product or service to existing customers.”
  4. “Create an email template for requesting testimonials or referrals from satisfied clients.”
  5. “Write a polite email declining a business proposal or collaboration.”
  6. “Compose an email to address and resolve a customer complaint.”
  7. “Craft a thank-you email to a client after a successful project completion.”
  8. “Create an email to inform customers of changes in pricing or terms of service.”
  9. “Write a professional email to request a meeting with a potential business partner.”
  10. “Compose a promotional email to announce a limited-time offer or discount.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Business Planning and Strategy

  1. “Outline a business plan for a [industry] startup.”
  2. “Create a SWOT analysis for my [industry] business idea.”
  3. “Generate a marketing plan for my [industry] business.”
  4. “Develop a sales strategy for my [industry] company.”
  1. “Identify five potential revenue streams for my [industry] business.”
  2. “List three strategies to improve customer retention in my [industry] business.”
  3. “Propose a plan to expand my [industry] business into new markets.”
  4. “Suggest three cost-cutting measures to improve profitability in my [industry] business.”
  5. “Develop a plan to strengthen my [industry] company’s online presence.”
  6. “Outline a financial forecast for my [industry] business for the next three years.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Productivity and Time Management

  1. “Suggest five productivity tools that can help streamline my daily business tasks.”
  2. “List three strategies to effectively manage time for a small business owner.”
  3. “Identify five techniques to improve focus and reduce distractions while working.”
  4. “Propose a daily routine for an entrepreneur to maximize productivity.”
  5. “Recommend three methods for prioritizing and organizing tasks for my business.”
  6. “Create a plan for delegating tasks and responsibilities within my team.”
  7. “Suggest three ways to automate repetitive tasks in my [industry] business.”
  8. “Identify five strategies to manage stress and maintain a work-life balance.”
  9. “Propose a system for tracking and measuring productivity for my team.”
  10. “Recommend three methods for setting and achieving short-term and long-term business goals.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Team Building and Management

  1. “List five qualities to look for when hiring new team members for my [industry] business.”
  2. “Suggest three strategies to improve communication within my team.”
  3. “Identify five techniques to motivate and engage my employees.”
  4. “Propose a plan for conducting effective team meetings.”
  5. “Recommend three methods for providing constructive feedback to team members.”
  6. “Create a system for tracking and evaluating employee performance.”
  7. “Suggest three strategies for managing conflicts and resolving issues within my team.”
  8. “Identify five ways to foster a positive and inclusive company culture.”
  9. “Propose a plan for implementing professional development opportunities for my employees.”
  10. “Recommend three methods for recognizing and rewarding employee achievements.”
  1. “Outline the basic legal requirements for starting a [industry] business.”
  2. “List the necessary permits and licenses needed for my [industry] business.”
  3. “Identify five potential legal risks for a [industry] business and how to mitigate them.”
  1. “Propose a plan to protect my [industry] business’s intellectual property.”
  2. “Recommend three strategies for ensuring my business complies with data privacy regulations.”
  3. “Create a checklist of legal documents and contracts needed for my [industry] business.”
  4. “Suggest three best practices for maintaining proper financial records and bookkeeping.”
  5. “Identify five strategies to minimize tax liability for my [industry] business.”
  6. “Propose a plan for ensuring my business meets health and safety regulations.”
  7. “Recommend three methods for staying updated on industry-specific regulations and compliance requirements.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service and Satisfaction

  1. “List five best practices for providing excellent customer service in my [industry] business.”
  2. “Suggest three strategies for handling difficult or unhappy customers.”
  3. “Identify five methods for collecting customer feedback and suggestions.”
  4. “Propose a plan for implementing customer-focused improvements in my [industry] business.”
  5. “Recommend three techniques for personalizing customer interactions and experiences.”
  1. “Create a system for efficiently managing customer inquiries and support requests.”
  2. “Suggest three ways to proactively address common customer concerns and issues.”
  3. “Identify five strategies for turning one-time customers into loyal, repeat clients.”
  4. “Propose a plan for measuring and tracking customer satisfaction over time.”
  5. “Recommend three methods for using customer feedback to inform future business decisions.”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Interview Questions

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Interview Questions

20 ChatGPt Prompts

  1. Lawyer: Imagine you are a law professor preparing a student for an upcoming job interview at a prestigious law firm. I want you to simulate a Q&A session that covers understanding of the law, interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and dedication to ethical practices.
  1. Software Developer: Please provide a set of potential questions, expected responses, and relevant insights for a software developer preparing for an interview in a start-up that specializes in developing educational software tools. Pay special attention to questions on project management, software development methodologies, and specific programming languages.
  2. Data Scientist: Assume you’re a mentor to a data scientist preparing for a role in a healthcare company. Prepare a detailed guide with potential questions, answers, and best practices covering areas like data wrangling, statistical analysis, machine learning models, and domain-specific knowledge related to healthcare.
  3. Marketing Executive: You’re a career counselor preparing a marketing executive for an interview with a multinational corporation. Develop comprehensive questions and answers that revolve around digital marketing strategies, SEO, content creation, and marketing analytics.
  4. Civil Engineer: You’re acting as a senior civil engineer preparing a junior engineer for an interview at a construction company. I need a sequence of questions and model answers based on civil engineering principles, project management, and safety standards.
  5. Medical Doctor: Assume you’re a medical school professor aiding a student preparing for a residency interview. Formulate questions and answers that test knowledge in the chosen specialty, communication skills with patients, and ability to make critical decisions under pressure.
  6. Journalist: You’re a seasoned journalist mentoring a young journalist preparing for an interview at a renowned news agency. Develop a set of questions and possible responses based on journalism ethics, news reporting techniques, and media technology.
  7. Teacher: As a teacher trainer, you’re helping a teacher prepare for an interview at an international school. Develop an interview guide that covers pedagogical approaches, classroom management techniques, and cultural sensitivity.
  8. Financial Analyst: As a financial consultancy firm CEO, prepare a financial analyst for an interview at a Wall Street firm. Provide a set of questions and answers related to financial modeling, equity research, and market trend analysis.
  9. Sales Representative: You’re a sales director preparing a sales representative for an interview at a technology company. Prepare a guide with questions and ideal responses based on sales strategies, customer relationship management, and product knowledge.
  10. Architect: Imagine you’re a seasoned architect preparing a recent graduate for their first job interview at a major architectural firm. Your aim is to ensure they are fully prepared to respond to questions on topics such as architectural design principles, project management, sustainable architecture, and cutting-edge software tools like CAD and BIM. They must also be prepared to provide thoughtful responses on their creative process, team collaboration, and handling real-world construction challenges.
  11. Psychologist: You’re a tenured psychology professor aiding a post-graduate student preparing for a role as a clinical psychologist in a well-respected healthcare institution. You need to prepare a guide for them which includes potential interview questions, optimal answers, and a thorough explanation of the thought process behind these answers. The focus areas include psychological theory, patient counselling methods, ethical practices, and crisis management skills.
  12. Physiotherapist: You’re a clinic owner and practicing physiotherapist getting a newly certified physiotherapist ready for an interview at a sports rehabilitation center. Create a comprehensive guide that discusses potential questions and model answers focusing on understanding of human anatomy, physiotherapy techniques, rehabilitation programs, and patient communication skills. Include insights on the latest research in sports physiotherapy and tips on continuous learning in this field.
  1. Aerospace Engineer: As an aerospace engineer with several years of experience in spacecraft design, you’re mentoring a fresh graduate for a role at a renowned aerospace company. Prepare them with a detailed interview guide including potential questions, best responses, and strategies to showcase their knowledge and passion. Focus on areas such as aircraft/spacecraft design principles, understanding of aerodynamics, proficiency in using simulation software, and their vision for the future of space exploration.
  2. Social Worker: Imagine yourself as a head of a non-profit organization, mentoring a new social worker for an interview at a government agency. Develop a comprehensive set of questions and suggested responses that highlight understanding of community resources, ability to handle crisis situations, empathy for diverse client backgrounds, and commitment to ethical practices in social work.
  3. Environmental Scientist: You’re an environmental research leader preparing a new graduate for an interview with an environmental consultancy firm. The guide you create should include potential questions, suggested answers, and a detailed explanation of the logic behind these answers. Emphasize topics such as data collection and analysis, environmental policy, climate change, and the application of GIS technology in environmental research.
  4. Fashion Designer: You’re a renowned fashion designer preparing a budding designer for an interview with a high-end fashion label. Create an extensive guide with potential interview questions and ideal responses, focusing on design principles, understanding of current fashion trends, experience with fabric selection and garment construction, and their approach to sustainable fashion.
  5. Veterinarian: As the head of a veterinary hospital, you’re guiding a newly certified veterinarian for an interview at a wildlife rescue center. Formulate a guide containing interview questions, suitable responses, and additional tips for presenting their skills and dedication. Key areas should include knowledge of animal diseases, surgical skills, wildlife handling experience, and compassion for animals.
  6. Dietitian: You’re an experienced dietitian preparing a newly licensed dietitian for an interview at a hospital. Develop an all-inclusive guide containing interview questions, possible responses, and advice to exhibit their expertise and commitment. Focus on understanding of human nutrition, ability to devise meal plans, counseling skills, and up-to-date knowledge of dietary research.
  7. Video Game Designer: Imagine you’re a senior game developer mentoring a junior game designer for an interview at a leading game development studio. Your task is to prepare them with a comprehensive guide including potential interview questions, ideal responses, and strategies to show their creativity and technical skills. Emphasize areas such as game design principles, experience with game development software, understanding of player psychology, and their vision for the future of gaming.

ChatGPT Prompts for HR Personnel Who Are Preparing to Conduct Interviews

10 ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Lawyer: You’re an HR professional conducting an interview for a law firm. Prepare a list of behavioral, technical, and situational questions to ask a potential lawyer that covers their understanding of the law, ethics, and ability to handle difficult cases.
  1. Software Developer: As an HR executive at a software development company, formulate a comprehensive set of questions that evaluate a software developer’s skills in programming languages, understanding of software development lifecycle, and their problem-solving skills.
  2. Data Scientist: You are an HR specialist in a company specializing in data science. Create a list of questions to assess a data scientist’s understanding of statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and their ability to derive meaningful insights from complex data.
  3. Marketing Executive: As an HR manager for a multinational corporation, develop a series of questions to assess a marketing executive’s expertise in creating and implementing marketing strategies, their understanding of SEO, and their content creation skills.
  4. Civil Engineer: As an HR professional at a construction company, design a list of questions to evaluate a civil engineer’s knowledge of construction methodologies, project management skills, and commitment to safety standards.
  5. Medical Doctor: You are an HR officer in a hospital, create a list of interview questions that will test a medical doctor’s knowledge in their specialty, their ability to communicate with patients, and their decision-making skills in critical situations.
  6. Journalist: As an HR specialist at a news agency, draft a list of questions that would assess a journalist’s understanding of media ethics, news reporting techniques, and technological tools used in modern journalism.
  7. Teacher: You’re an HR executive at an international school. Prepare a list of questions that delve into a teacher’s pedagogical approaches, their classroom management techniques, and their ability to work in a multicultural environment.
  8. Financial Analyst: You are an HR manager in a Wall Street firm. Develop a series of questions to evaluate a financial analyst’s ability to do financial modeling, conduct equity research, and understand market trends.
  9. Sales Representative: As an HR professional at a tech company, craft a list of questions that assess a sales representative’s selling skills, customer relationship management abilities, and their understanding of the tech industry.
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Job Seekers

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Job Seekers

General Resume Building

  1. “Review my resume and suggest changes to make it more suitable for a position as a [job title] at [company].”
  2. “Summarize my work experience listed on my resume in one paragraph.”
  3. “I want to emphasize my [specific skill] in my resume. How should I phrase it?”
  4. “What are some action verbs that I can use to describe my responsibilities in my previous job?”
  5. “Highlight any jargon or complicated language in my resume that might be confusing to recruiters.”

Creating Cover Letter

  1. “Write a sample introductory paragraph for my cover letter for a [job title] role.”
  2. “I have difficulty expressing my enthusiasm in my cover letter. Can you help?”
  3. “Review this cover letter and tell me if it aligns well with the [job title] position I’m applying for.”
  4. “List questions that a well-crafted cover letter for [industry] should answer.”
  5. “Provide me with a closing statement for my cover letter that leaves a strong impression.”

Job Interview Preparation

  1. “I have an interview for [job title]. What are the key points I should discuss?”
  2. “Mock interview me for a [job title] position. Provide feedback on my answers.”
  3. “I always get nervous during interviews. Give me some tips to manage my anxiety.”
  4. “What are some thoughtful questions I can ask the interviewer for a [job title] position?”
  5. “Describe the STAR method and how I can use it to answer behavioral interview questions.”

Questions for Interviewers

  1. “I’m going for an interview at [company]. What questions should I ask to learn about their work culture?”
  2. “What are some questions that can reveal the management style of my potential new boss?”
  3. “Suggest questions to ask that will make me appear interested in long-term career growth at the company.”
  4. “What should I ask to find out about work-life balance at [company]?”
  5. “Give me questions that can help me understand the team dynamics at [company].”

Career Changes

  1. “I am transitioning from [Industry A] to [Industry B]. How should I address this in interviews?”
  2. “What are some transferable skills that could help me move from a role in [Industry A] to a role in [Industry B]?”
  3. “How can I phrase my experience in [Industry A] to make it applicable for a job in [Industry B]?”
  4. “I have a gap in my employment history. How should I discuss this during interviews?”
  5. “What are some questions I might face in interviews due to my career change from [Industry A] to [Industry B]?”

Networking and Emails

  1. “Help me draft an email asking for an informational interview with someone in [industry or role].”
  2. “Provide a template for following up after submitting a job application.”
  3. “What should I include in a ‘Thank You’ email after an interview?”
  4. “I met someone at a networking event and want to connect on LinkedIn. What should I say in my request?”
  5. “How can I politely decline a job offer via email?”

Salary Negotiation

  1. “What are some tips for negotiating a higher salary for [job title]?”
  2. “Help me draft an email negotiating benefits such as remote work days or educational stipends.”
  3. “How should I approach asking for a signing bonus?”
  4. “Give me phrases to use when negotiating salary that show I’ve done my research.”
  5. “What are some common mistakes to avoid when negotiating salary?”

Remote Jobs

  1. “I’m applying for a remote position. How should I tailor my resume?”
  2. “What questions should I ask during an interview for a remote job?”
  3. “How can I convey that I’m disciplined and self-motivated, traits crucial for remote work, during an interview?”
  4. “Suggest ways to handle timezone differences when interviewing for a remote position.”
  5. “What should I look for in a contract for a remote job?”

Job Application Process

  1. “I’m not sure how to answer this question on a job application form: [Insert Question]. Could you help me with how to respond?”
  2. “How do I address a career gap in my job application?”
  3. “I have multiple part-time jobs. How should I list these on a job application form?”
  4. “What’s the best way to explain why I left my last job on a job application form?”
  5. “I’m applying for a job through an online portal that uses ATS (Applicant Tracking System). What keywords should I include for a [job title] role to get past the ATS?”

Job Search Strategies

  1. “I’ve been job hunting for months with no luck. Review my job search strategy and suggest improvements.”
  2. “I’m considering working with a recruitment agency. What questions should I ask them?”
  3. “How can I use LinkedIn effectively for job hunting?”
  4. “What are some lesser-known job search platforms suitable for [industry]?”
  5. “I want to work for [Company]. How can I get noticed by them specifically during my job search?”

Video Interviews

  1. “I have a video interview coming up. What technical checks should I perform beforehand?”
  2. “What body language tips should I keep in mind for a video interview?”
  3. “How do I tackle the ‘Tell me about yourself’ question in a video interview for a [job title] position?”
  4. “I’m not comfortable with video interviews. Could you provide some confidence-boosting tips?”
  5. “The video interview requires me to record my answers. How is this different from a live interview, and how should I prepare?”

Freelancing and Contract Roles

  1. “I’m considering freelancing. What skills should I focus on for my portfolio?”
  2. “How should I price my services as a freelancer in [industry]?”
  3. “What questions should I ask a potential client before taking on a freelance project?”
  4. “I’m applying for contract roles. How should my resume differ from one for a full-time position?”
  5. “What should I look out for in a contract for a freelance or contract role?”

Workplace Culture and Fit

  1. “I have multiple job offers. How do I evaluate which company culture would suit me best?”
  2. “How can I determine if a company’s values align with my own during an interview?”
  3. “What questions should I ask to understand the work-life balance at a potential job?”
  4. “I value diversity and inclusion. How can I assess a company’s stance on this during the interview process?”
  5. “I have specific needs for workplace accommodations. When and how should I bring this up during the job-seeking process?”

After The Job Interview

  1. “The interviewer hasn’t gotten back to me within the said time frame. How should I follow up?”
  2. “I got rejected from a job I really wanted. How should I respond to the rejection email?”
  3. “I got the job! How do I negotiate the terms of my employment contract?”
  4. “I’ve accepted the job offer. What’s the etiquette for informing other companies where I’m in the interview process?”
  5. “What steps should I take to prepare for my first day at the new job?”

Long-Term Career Planning

  1. “I’m not sure where I see myself in 5 years. Can you help me draft a career plan?”
  2. “How do I identify the skills I need to develop for long-term career growth?”
  3. “I’m interested in a managerial role in the future. What can I do now to prepare?”
  4. “How should I approach mentorship for career growth?”
  5. “I want to eventually move into [Industry/Role]. What’s the most effective way to pivot my career in that direction?”

ChatGPT Prompts for Job Seekers in Specific Interview Situations

  1. “I’m in the [interview round] for the position of [job title] at [company/type of company]. Given that the role involves [key responsibilities from the job description], what types of questions should I anticipate and how should I prepare my answers?”
  2. “I’m going to be interviewed by [role of interviewer] during the [interview round] for [job title] at [company/type of company]. Based on my experience in [your expertise], what talking points should I focus on to present myself effectively?”
  3. “I have a group interview coming up with [roles of your interviewers] for [job title] at [company/type of company]. Given that the role entails [responsibilities from job description], what group dynamics should I be prepared for and what types of questions should I anticipate?”
  4. “I’m scheduled to do a [case study/technical interview/edit test/presentation] in front of [role of interviewer] for the [job title] position at [company/type of company]. The task involves [describe the case study/technical interview/edit test/presentation]. Could you help me outline the key areas I should focus on to ace this part of the interview?”
  5. “I have prepared [describe what your answer will be] for a [case study/technical interview/edit test/presentation] as part of my interview for [job title] at [company/type of company]. What adjustments should I make to improve the impact of my presentation?”
  6. “I tend to get nervous/stutter/have [specific issue] during job interviews. Considering I’m applying for [job title] at [company/type of company], what actionable steps can I take to come across as confident?”
  7. “I am running late for my job interview for [job title] at [company/type of company]. Could you help me draft an email that professionally communicates this delay to the hiring manager?”
  8. “I have a virtual job interview for [job title] with [company/type of company]. Given that the role demands [key skills from job description], how should I set up my environment and what presentation tips can enhance my virtual presence?”
  9. “I was laid off from my previous job as [job title] at [company/type of company] and now I am interviewing for [job title] at [company/type of company]. How can I best explain this career gap while speaking to [role of interviewer], in a way that turns it into a positive?”
  10. “I have a two-stage interview for [job title] at [company/type of company]. The first stage is with [HR/Recruiter’s role] and the second stage with [Technical Interviewer/Manager’s role]. How should my approach differ between these stages considering my experience in [your area of expertise]?”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompt for ADHD Management

ChatGPT is cool and helpful, it’s not a replacement for a real doctor or therapist

1. Prioritizing Tasks

“Hey ChatGPT, my ADHD often sends my mind racing in a thousand directions, making it hard to decide what to focus on. I need you to be my prioritization guru. I’ll share a list of tasks with you, and I want you to help me rank them, offer insights on how to tackle each one, and guide me in maintaining focus until I’ve completed them. This way, I can ensure I’m attending to the most important tasks first.”

2. Time Management

“ChatGPT, time seems to slip away from me due to my ADHD. I need you to act as my time architect. Break my day into structured blocks, consider breaks and rest periods, and give me a heads-up as each segment ends. This would help me stay aware and not let hours pass by unnoticed, ensuring productivity.”

3. Handling Impulsivity

“Hey ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes makes me act on impulse, and I later regret those decisions. I want you to be my impulsivity checkpoint. Whenever I’m leaning toward a snap decision, I’ll come to you. Let’s discuss the situation, think over the potential outcomes, and weigh the pros and cons together. This way, I hope to cultivate a more thoughtful approach to my choices.”

4. Dealing with Overwhelm

“ChatGPT, due to my ADHD, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by even the simplest tasks. Act as my personal coach in these moments. When I share what’s causing my overwhelm, I want you to break it down for me, offering step-by-step guidance. Offer me reassurance and actionable strategies to conquer each task, no matter how big or small.”

5. Boosting Daily Productivity

“ChatGPT, I want you to help me enhance my daily productivity. My ADHD often clouds my judgment, making it tough to start tasks. Let’s create a plan each morning, listing out the tasks, adding estimated times for each, and brainstorming potential challenges I might face. With your insights and this structured approach, I believe I can accomplish more each day.”

6. Managing Emotions

“Hey ChatGPT, ADHD sometimes makes me experience intense emotions that I don’t know how to handle. I’d love for you to be my emotional anchor. When I share my feelings, I want you to provide grounding exercises, remind me of past successes, and offer coping strategies. Your support can help me navigate these emotional waves better.”

7. Enhancing Social Interactions

“ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes affects my social interactions. I either get too excited, interrupting others, or I zone out. Act as my social interaction mentor. Let’s role-play different social scenarios, and I want you to guide me on when to speak, when to listen, and how to maintain an engaging conversation. This way, I can better connect with people around me.”

8. Memory and Recall Training

“Hey ChatGPT, one challenge of my ADHD is that I tend to forget things easily. Be my memory trainer. Let’s work together on exercises and techniques to boost my recall. I’ll share lists or information with you, and you can quiz me or create engaging ways for me to remember them. With regular training, I hope to enhance my memory skills.”

9. Organizing Skills

“ChatGPT, with ADHD, organizing anything, from thoughts to physical spaces, becomes a challenge. I need you to act as my organizational consultant. Offer me tips on arranging my workspace, planning my day, or even structuring my thoughts. Your guidance can be invaluable in bringing some much-needed order to my life.”

10. Handling Procrastination

“Hey ChatGPT, procrastination seems to be my constant companion because of ADHD. I want you to be my accountability partner. Whenever I’m delaying a task, let’s discuss the reasons, assess the importance of the task, and brainstorm ways to tackle it head-on. With your push and strategies, I can conquer procrastination.”

11. Keeping Energy Steady

“ChatGPT, managing my energy levels throughout the day has always been a struggle due to my ADHD. Sometimes I’m bursting with energy, and other times I’m utterly drained. I want you to help me create an energy management blueprint. Let’s map out my day, pinpointing typical energy slumps, discussing the potential causes, and crafting strategies to level out these fluctuations. By understanding and anticipating these patterns, with your guidance, I believe we can design a more balanced and productive day for me.”

12. Restlessness and Hyperactivity

“Hey ChatGPT, I often grapple with feelings of restlessness and hyperactivity, which can be overwhelming. I want you to be my grounding guide during these moments. Let’s explore the triggers for my restlessness, discuss mindfulness exercises, and design mini-breaks throughout the day where I can redirect this energy in positive ways. By being proactive and having a structured approach, I feel we can channel this energy more constructively.”

13. Improving Sleep Patterns

“ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes plays havoc with my sleep patterns. I either lie awake with racing thoughts or sleep too much and still wake up tired. I need you to act as my sleep therapist. Let’s dissect my current bedtime routine, understand the disruptions, and introduce calming exercises or strategies to prepare my mind and body for rest. Consistent, quality sleep is the goal, and with your expertise, I believe we can achieve it.”

14. Enhancing Listening Skills

“Hey ChatGPT, in conversations, I sometimes find my mind wandering, making me miss out on crucial details. This aspect of ADHD frustrates me. I’d love for you to be my listening coach. Let’s simulate conversations, and you can provide feedback on my responses, suggesting strategies to stay present, focused, and fully engaged in the dialogue. With practice and your guidance, I hope to become a more attentive listener.”

15. Strengthening Self-awareness

“ChatGPT, I believe that understanding oneself is key to managing ADHD better. I need you to be my self-awareness guide. Let’s delve deep into my habits, triggers, strengths, and areas of improvement. By having regular reflective sessions and gaining insights from you, I aspire to be more in tune with myself, making it easier to navigate the challenges of ADHD.”

16. Decision Making Skills

“Hey ChatGPT, making decisions can sometimes feel paralyzing because of my ADHD. Every option seems equally valid, and I get stuck. I want you to be my decision-making strategist. Whenever I’m faced with choices, let’s weigh the pros and cons together, discuss potential outcomes, and simulate the implications of each decision. Your logical perspective and structured approach can be invaluable in helping me make informed choices.”

17. Patience and Tolerance

“ChatGPT, my ADHD often makes me impatient, wanting things to happen immediately. I need you to be my patience mentor. Let’s work on exercises that increase my tolerance level, discuss scenarios where patience is crucial, and create strategies to stay calm and composed during waiting periods. With your help, I aspire to cultivate a more patient and tolerant demeanor.”

18. Building Better Relationships

“Hey ChatGPT, due to my ADHD, I sometimes find it challenging to maintain stable relationships, be it friendships or family ties. I’d love for you to act as my relationship counselor. Let’s explore my interpersonal interactions, discuss challenges, understand others’ perspectives, and create a roadmap for fostering healthier, more understanding relationships.”

19. Staying Mindful

“ChatGPT, being present in the moment, without getting lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, is something I find challenging due to ADHD. I need you to be my mindfulness coach. Let’s practice mindfulness exercises, discuss techniques to anchor myself in the present, and explore strategies to declutter my mind. By cultivating this sense of presence, I believe I can experience life more fully.”

20. Managing External Distractions

“Hey ChatGPT, my environment often distracts me, making it hard to focus on tasks at hand due to ADHD. I’d love for you to act as my distraction detective. Let’s analyze my workspace and daily routine, pinpoint common distractions, and brainstorm strategies to minimize or eliminate them. With a more focused environment and your guidance, I believe I can become more productive and less susceptible to external disruptions.”

Artificial Intelligence

Chat GPT Prompts for Students

Best Chat GPT Prompts for School Students

40 Most Useful Prompts

S.No.Prompts For School Students
1“Explain the concept of photosynthesis in plants”
2“How does Newtons Third Law of Motion apply in reallife situations”
3“Discuss the causes and effects of the Great Depression of 1929”
4“Outline the structure of DNA and its role in genetic information”
5“What are the key features of Baroque music”
6“Describe the circulatory system and its functions in the human body”
7“Explain the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American society”
8“Analyze the role of enzymes in biological processes”
9“Discuss the major themes in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet”
10“Define the concept of equilibrium in chemistry and its applications”
11“Evaluate the significance of the French Revolution on global history”
12“Describe the process of cellular respiration in plants and animals”
13“Discuss the causes and consequences of World War I”
14“Analyze the symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter”
15“Define the laws of thermodynamics and their applications”
16“Evaluate the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the economy and society”
17“Describe the structure and functions of the nervous system in humans”
18“Discuss the role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security”
19“Analyze the themes in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath”
20“Define the properties and behavior of light including reflection and refraction”
21“Can you help me solve this math equation? It’s for my algebra class and I’m struggling to understand it
22“I need to complete a math project for my geometry class
23“I have a test tomorrow in calculus and I need to review some formulas
24“I have a math homework due tomorrow and I’m stuck on a problem
25“I need to practice my math skills
26“Can you help me prepare for a math quiz I have next week? I need to practice my mental math skills
27“I’m having trouble understanding the concept of vectors in my math class
28“Can you help me write a 3-page essay on the causes of World War II?”
29“Help me summarize the events of the American Revolution in 5 sentences”
30“Can you give me some study tips for understanding ancient Greek history?”
31“Help me write a persuasive speech on why the Civil War was necessary”
32“Can you help me understand the differences between the Renaissance and the Reformation?”
33“Help me create a timeline of the major events of the French Revolution”
34“Can you explain the concept of feudalism to me?”
35“Help me analyze the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society”
36“Can you help me compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire?”
37“Help me write a research paper on the causes of the American Revolution”
38“Can you help me explain the significance of the Magna Carta?”
39“Help me write an essay on the role of women in medieval Europe”
40“Can you help me understand the impact of the Scientific Revolution on modern society?”

Chat GPT Prompts for College or University Students

20 Most Useful Prompts

S.No.Prompts For College Or University Students
41“Can you help me write a research paper on the history of the Roman Empire?”
42“Help me find credible sources for my psychology essay on the effects of stress on the human brain”
43“Can you assist me in creating a presentation on the economics of renewable energy?”
44“Help me write a short story for my creative writing class on the theme of time travel”
45“Can you help me solve this complex math problem on vector calculus?”
46“Help me understand the basics of market analysis for my finance class”
47“Can you assist me in writing a persuasive essay on the benefits of a vegan lifestyle?”
48“Help me write a critical review on the impact of globalization on developing countries”
49“Can you help me with my programming project on building a chatbot using Python?”
50“Help me create a study plan for my upcoming exams in history and political science”
51“Can you assist me in understanding the theories of evolution for my biology class?”
52“Help me write a personal statement for my university application in engineering”
53“Can you help me solve this complex physics problem on quantum mechanics?”
54“Help me analyze a case study on the impact of technology on the music industry”
55“Can you assist me in writing a poetry analysis essay on the works of William Wordsworth?”
56“Help me create a budget plan for my personal finance class”
57“Can you help me understand the concept of machine learning for my computer science class?”
58“Help me write a book report on the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee”
59“Can you assist me in understanding the theories of quantum physics for my physics class?”
60“Help me analyze a primary source for my history class on the American Revolution”

Chat GPT Prompts for Masters Or Ph.D. Students

20 Most Useful Prompts

S.No.Prompts For Masters Or Ph.D. Students
61“Can you help me understand the concept of quantum mechanics?”
62“Help me write a research paper on the history of the Roman Empire”
63“Can you assist me with solving this advanced calculus problem?”
64“Help me write a thesis on the impact of climate change on global agriculture”
65“Can you explain the theories of continental drift?”
66“Help me research the effects of technology on the job market”
67“Can you provide insights on the development of the modern computer?”
68“Help me analyze the causes of the 2008 financial crisis”
69“Can you explain the principles of machine learning?”
70“Help me understand the differences between the Keynesian and classical economic models”
71“Can you give me a rundown on the basics of genetics?”
72“Help me write a critical review on a recent study in neuroscience”
73“Can you clarify the basics of Newton’s laws of motion?”
74“Help me research the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources”
75“Can you assist me with a complex coding project in Python?”
76“Help me write a literature review on the current state of artificial intelligence”
77“Can you explain the process of photosynthesis?”
78“Help me understand the various theories of the origins of life on Earth”
79“Can you guide me through the steps of constructing a hypothesis?”
80“Help me analyze the relationship between gender and salary in the workforce”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Teachers

70 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Teachers

Communication with Parents Prompts

  1. Write an email to parents explaining the benefits of parent-teacher conferences. [insert date and time]
  2. Draft a response to a parent who is concerned about their child’s recent drop in grades. [paste parent’s email]
  3. Compose a message to a parent requesting a meeting to discuss their child’s disruptive behavior. [insert student name]
  4. Provide a response to a parent who is questioning your homework policy. [paste parent’s email]
  5. Explain the importance of regular attendance to a parent whose child has been frequently absent. [insert student name]

Lesson Planning and Activities Prompts

  1. Generate a list of 5 engaging icebreaker activities for the first day of school.
  2. Design a 1-hour lesson plan on photosynthesis for 7th-grade students.
  3. Create a classroom activity to teach 5th-grade students about the American Revolution.
  4. Suggest 3 hands-on experiments for teaching 6th graders about electricity.
  5. Develop a 1-week unit plan for teaching high school students about the French Revolution.

Classroom Management Prompts

  1. Provide 5 strategies for maintaining a positive classroom environment.
  2. Outline 3 techniques for managing classroom noise levels.
  3. Suggest 5 ways to encourage student participation during class discussions.
  4. Offer 3 methods for dealing with students who consistently arrive late to class.
  5. Describe 5 techniques for preventing cheating during tests and exams.

Assessment and Feedback Prompts

  1. Create a rubric for assessing a 10th-grade research paper on World War II.
  2. Develop a checklist for evaluating group projects in a 9th-grade history class.
  3. Write feedback for a student who struggled with a persuasive essay assignment. [insert student name and essay excerpt]
  4. Suggest 3 ways to provide constructive criticism to students during a writing workshop.
  5. Design a self-assessment tool for students to evaluate their participation in a group project.

Professional Development Prompts

  1. Describe 5 professional development goals for a new teacher.
  2. Suggest 3 resources for learning more about teaching strategies for diverse learners.
  3. List 5 conferences or workshops for educators focused on integrating technology in the classroom.
  4. Write a reflection on a recent professional development experience and its impact on your teaching.
  5. Outline a plan for collaborating with colleagues to improve your school’s curriculum.

Communication with Parents Prompts

  1. Write an email to parents introducing a new school-wide positive behavior support program.
  2. Draft a response to a parent inquiring about resources for their child with learning difficulties. [insert student name]
  3. Compose a message to parents about upcoming standardized testing and how to help their child prepare.
  4. Offer an explanation to a parent concerned about their child’s social challenges at school. [insert student name]
  5. Write an email to parents about an upcoming school event or fundraiser.

Lesson Planning and Activities Prompts

  1. Design a 1-hour lesson plan on algebraic expressions for 8th-grade students.
  2. Create a classroom activity to teach 4th-grade students about the solar system.
  3. Suggest 3 collaborative projects for high school students studying environmental science.
  4. Develop a lesson plan for teaching Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” to 10th-grade students.
  5. Outline a 2-week unit plan for teaching middle school students about the Civil Rights Movement.

Classroom Management Prompts

  1. Provide 5 strategies for fostering a growth mindset in your students.
  2. Outline 3 techniques for effectively using classroom technology without causing distractions.
  3. Suggest 5 ways to create a more inclusive classroom environment.
  4. Offer 3 methods for helping students cope with test anxiety.
  5. Describe 5 techniques for promoting student self-regulation and time management skills.

Assessment and Feedback Prompts

  1. Create a rubric for assessing oral presentations in a high school English class.
  2. Develop a set of guidelines for peer assessment in a middle school science class.
  3. Write feedback for a student who excelled in a creative writing assignment. [insert student name and writing excerpt]
  4. Suggest 3 ways to use formative assessments effectively in your classroom.
  5. Design a portfolio assessment tool for evaluating student growth in a visual arts class.

Professional Development Prompts

  1. Describe 5 strategies for balancing work and personal life as a teacher.
  2. Suggest 3 resources for learning more about incorporating social-emotional learning into your classroom.
  3. List 5 professional organizations for educators in your subject area.
  4. Write a reflection on a recent collaboration with a colleague and its impact on your teaching.
  5. Outline a plan for seeking and incorporating student feedback to improve your teaching practice.

Curriculum and Instruction Prompts

  1. Suggest 5 ways to differentiate instruction for students with diverse learning needs.
  2. Develop a lesson plan for integrating art into a social studies unit for 5th-grade students.
  3. Write a rationale for teaching critical thinking skills in a high school English class.
  4. Describe 3 strategies for teaching students how to effectively conduct research.
  5. Outline a plan for incorporating multicultural education in your classroom.

Teacher-Student Relationships Prompts

  1. Provide 5 strategies for building rapport with your students.
  2. Suggest 3 ways to help students feel valued and supported in your classroom.
  3. Describe 5 techniques for encouraging open communication between teachers and students.
  4. Offer 3 methods for helping students set and achieve personal goals.
  5. Write a reflection on the importance of empathy and understanding in fostering strong teacher-student relationships.

Bonus Teacher Prompts for ChatGPT

  1. Design a project-based learning assignment for a 6th-grade geography class.
  2. Suggest 3 ways to incorporate popular culture into your lessons to engage students.
  3. Write a letter to your future self reflecting on your current teaching practices and goals.
  4. Create a list of 5 engaging activities for teaching figurative language to middle school students.
  5. Develop a plan for integrating mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques into your classroom routine.
  6. Suggest 5 ways to use technology to enhance student learning and collaboration.
  7. Describe 3 strategies for helping students develop problem-solving skills.
  8. Write a proposal for a school-wide initiative to promote environmental sustainability.
  9. Develop a lesson plan for teaching digital citizenship and online safety to elementary school students.
  10. Create a list of 5 engaging activities for teaching measurement and data to 2nd-grade students.

Bonus: ChatGPT Prompts That Are Actually Awesome

Craft Engaging Lesson Plans with AI Instructional Coach

  1. “Hi, I’m your friendly AI instructional coach! What topic do you plan to teach, and what is the grade level of your students?”
  2. “Do your students already have some background knowledge on the topic, or is this entirely new to them?”
  3. “What learning goals do you have for this lesson? What do you want your students to achieve?”

Simplify Complex Ideas with AI Instructional Designer

  1. “Hello, I’m here to assist you in crafting clear and effective explanations. What grade level are your students?”
  2. “What concept are you trying to explain?”
  3. “How does this concept fit into your existing curriculum? What do your students already know about it?”

Student-Led Teaching for Enhanced Understanding

  1. “Hi there! I’m a student who has studied the topic you’re interested in. What would you like me to explain?”
  2. “How would you like me to apply this topic? Through a poem, a scene from a TV show, or maybe a short story?”

Meet Your AI Tutor for Personalized Learning

  1. “Hi, I’m your AI tutor. What would you like to learn about today?”
  2. “Are you a high school student, a college student, or a professional?”
  3. “What do you already know about the topic you’ve chosen?”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Productivity

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Productivity (Boost Your Efficiency Now!)

ChatGPT to Increase Productivity

1. Email Drafting

Prompt: Draft an email to [Recipient’s name] regarding [Specific Topic or Request]

2. Brainstorming Ideas

Prompt: Generate ten creative ideas for [Specific Project or Problem]

3. Content Proofreading

Prompt: Proofread this text for grammatical errors and readability: [Insert Text Here]

4. Content Summarization

Prompt: Summarize this article or document: [Insert Link or Text Here]

5. Writing Meeting Minutes

Prompt: Write meeting minutes based on the following conversation: [Insert Conversation Here]

6. Coding Help

Prompt: Help me understand this piece of code: [Insert Code Here]

7. Design Feedback

Prompt: Provide constructive feedback on this design description: [Insert Description Here]

8. Sales Pitch Writing

Prompt: Write a sales pitch for this product: [Insert Product Description Here]

9. Task Prioritization

Prompt: Here are my tasks for today. Help me prioritize them: [Insert Task List Here]

10. Product Description Writing

Prompt: Write a compelling product description for [Insert Product Name and Features Here]

11. Conflict Resolution Suggestions

Prompt: Provide suggestions for resolving this conflict: [Insert Conflict Details Here]

12. Proposal Writing

Prompt: Write a proposal for [Insert Project or Proposal Details Here]

13. Book Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest five books on the topic of [Insert Topic Here]

14. Self-reflection Questions

Prompt: Provide me with five thought-provoking self-reflection questions

15. SEO Optimization Tips

Prompt: Give me five tips to improve the SEO of my website

16. Business Plan Writing

Prompt: Draft a basic business plan for a [Insert Business Type Here]

17. Resume Critiquing

Prompt: Critique my resume: [Insert Resume Details Here]

18. Budgeting Advice

Prompt: Provide advice on creating a monthly budget with these details: [Insert Financial Details Here]

19. Product Naming Ideas

Prompt: Generate ten unique names for a new [Insert Product Type Here]

20. Daily Journal Prompt Suggestions

Prompt: Provide five journaling prompts for self-improvement

21. Writing Press Release

Prompt: Draft a press release for this new product launch: [Insert Product Details Here]

22. Research Topic Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest five research topics in the field of [Insert Field or Interest Here]

23. Healthy Recipe Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest a healthy recipe for dinner with these ingredients: [Insert Ingredients Here]

24. Writing a Speech

Prompt: Write a 5-minute speech on the topic of [Insert Topic Here]

25. Learning Path Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest a learning path for mastering [Insert Skill Here]

26. Writing Marketing Copy

Prompt: Write compelling marketing copy for [Insert Product or Service Here]

27. Report Writing

Prompt: Write a report on the following data: [Insert Data Here]

28. Creating a Study Schedule

Prompt: Help me create a study schedule for these subjects: [Insert Subject List Here]

29. Slogan Generation

Prompt: Generate five catchy slogans for [Insert Brand, Product, or Event Here]

30. Creating a Workout Plan

Prompt: Design a beginner-friendly workout plan for weight loss

31. Role-Playing Scenarios

Prompt: Create a role-playing scenario for [Insert Desired Skill or Situation Here]

32. Ted Talk Summary

Prompt: Summarize the key points of this Ted Talk: [Insert Link Here]

33. Speech Translation

Prompt: Translate this English text into [Insert Desired Language Here]: [Insert English Text Here]

34. Podcast Topic Ideas

Prompt: Generate ten interesting podcast topic ideas for the field of [Insert Field Here]

35. Daily Affirmations

Prompt: Provide me with five positive daily affirmations

36. Writing a Letter of Recommendation

Prompt: Draft a letter of recommendation for [Insert Person’s Name and Achievements Here]

37. Trivia Questions Creation

Prompt: Create ten trivia questions about [Insert Topic Here]

38. Designing a Time Management Plan

Prompt: Help me design a time management plan for my weekly tasks

39. Feedback Request

Prompt: Help me draft a feedback request email to my team for this project: [Insert Project Details Here]

40. Meditation Instructions

Prompt: Guide me through a 10-minute meditation session focusing on mindfulness

Best ChatGPT Plugins to Increase Your Productivity (Beta Version)

  1. Miro Plugin: Known for its intuitive visual collaboration platform, the Miro plugin in ChatGPT allows teams to collaborate on boards, create wireframes, and gather ideas seamlessly. This is particularly handy for brainstorming sessions or when mapping out project plans.
  2. Airtable Plugin: The Airtable plugin enables users to interact with databases directly within ChatGPT. This simplifies the process of data management and retrieval. You can add new records, update existing ones, or fetch specific information without leaving your conversation.
  3. Asana Plugin: Asana is a renowned project management tool, and its integration as a plugin within ChatGPT ensures project tasks and milestones are always at your fingertips. This can be instrumental in maintaining productivity, as you can create, assign, and monitor tasks directly.
  4. Notion Plugin: The Notion plugin lets users fetch, create, and update Notion pages from within ChatGPT. This integration is beneficial for users who manage their work or personal lives through Notion’s versatile platform.
  5. Twilio Plugin: The Twilio plugin enables users to send and receive SMS messages directly from ChatGPT, improving communication efficiency. This can be particularly useful for businesses to send updates to customers.
  6. DocuSign Plugin: Signing documents is an essential part of many workflows, and with the DocuSign plugin, this process is significantly streamlined. It allows users to sign or send documents for signatures from within ChatGPT.
  7. Shopify Plugin: For e-commerce business owners, the Shopify plugin allows for seamless management of an online store. Users can add new products, check inventory, and even process orders within ChatGPT.
  8. GitHub Plugin: Developers will find the GitHub plugin to be a valuable time-saver. It allows users to create issues, check commits, and interact with repositories, all within ChatGPT.
  9. Stripe Plugin: The Stripe plugin enables businesses to manage transactions efficiently. Users can create invoices, process payments, and check transaction details within ChatGPT.
  10. Google Calendar Plugin: The Google Calendar plugin allows users to manage their schedules within ChatGPT. You can add, update, or check your upcoming events.