Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompt for ADHD Management

ChatGPT is cool and helpful, it’s not a replacement for a real doctor or therapist

1. Prioritizing Tasks

“Hey ChatGPT, my ADHD often sends my mind racing in a thousand directions, making it hard to decide what to focus on. I need you to be my prioritization guru. I’ll share a list of tasks with you, and I want you to help me rank them, offer insights on how to tackle each one, and guide me in maintaining focus until I’ve completed them. This way, I can ensure I’m attending to the most important tasks first.”

2. Time Management

“ChatGPT, time seems to slip away from me due to my ADHD. I need you to act as my time architect. Break my day into structured blocks, consider breaks and rest periods, and give me a heads-up as each segment ends. This would help me stay aware and not let hours pass by unnoticed, ensuring productivity.”

3. Handling Impulsivity

“Hey ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes makes me act on impulse, and I later regret those decisions. I want you to be my impulsivity checkpoint. Whenever I’m leaning toward a snap decision, I’ll come to you. Let’s discuss the situation, think over the potential outcomes, and weigh the pros and cons together. This way, I hope to cultivate a more thoughtful approach to my choices.”

4. Dealing with Overwhelm

“ChatGPT, due to my ADHD, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by even the simplest tasks. Act as my personal coach in these moments. When I share what’s causing my overwhelm, I want you to break it down for me, offering step-by-step guidance. Offer me reassurance and actionable strategies to conquer each task, no matter how big or small.”

5. Boosting Daily Productivity

“ChatGPT, I want you to help me enhance my daily productivity. My ADHD often clouds my judgment, making it tough to start tasks. Let’s create a plan each morning, listing out the tasks, adding estimated times for each, and brainstorming potential challenges I might face. With your insights and this structured approach, I believe I can accomplish more each day.”

6. Managing Emotions

“Hey ChatGPT, ADHD sometimes makes me experience intense emotions that I don’t know how to handle. I’d love for you to be my emotional anchor. When I share my feelings, I want you to provide grounding exercises, remind me of past successes, and offer coping strategies. Your support can help me navigate these emotional waves better.”

7. Enhancing Social Interactions

“ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes affects my social interactions. I either get too excited, interrupting others, or I zone out. Act as my social interaction mentor. Let’s role-play different social scenarios, and I want you to guide me on when to speak, when to listen, and how to maintain an engaging conversation. This way, I can better connect with people around me.”

8. Memory and Recall Training

“Hey ChatGPT, one challenge of my ADHD is that I tend to forget things easily. Be my memory trainer. Let’s work together on exercises and techniques to boost my recall. I’ll share lists or information with you, and you can quiz me or create engaging ways for me to remember them. With regular training, I hope to enhance my memory skills.”

9. Organizing Skills

“ChatGPT, with ADHD, organizing anything, from thoughts to physical spaces, becomes a challenge. I need you to act as my organizational consultant. Offer me tips on arranging my workspace, planning my day, or even structuring my thoughts. Your guidance can be invaluable in bringing some much-needed order to my life.”

10. Handling Procrastination

“Hey ChatGPT, procrastination seems to be my constant companion because of ADHD. I want you to be my accountability partner. Whenever I’m delaying a task, let’s discuss the reasons, assess the importance of the task, and brainstorm ways to tackle it head-on. With your push and strategies, I can conquer procrastination.”

11. Keeping Energy Steady

“ChatGPT, managing my energy levels throughout the day has always been a struggle due to my ADHD. Sometimes I’m bursting with energy, and other times I’m utterly drained. I want you to help me create an energy management blueprint. Let’s map out my day, pinpointing typical energy slumps, discussing the potential causes, and crafting strategies to level out these fluctuations. By understanding and anticipating these patterns, with your guidance, I believe we can design a more balanced and productive day for me.”

12. Restlessness and Hyperactivity

“Hey ChatGPT, I often grapple with feelings of restlessness and hyperactivity, which can be overwhelming. I want you to be my grounding guide during these moments. Let’s explore the triggers for my restlessness, discuss mindfulness exercises, and design mini-breaks throughout the day where I can redirect this energy in positive ways. By being proactive and having a structured approach, I feel we can channel this energy more constructively.”

13. Improving Sleep Patterns

“ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes plays havoc with my sleep patterns. I either lie awake with racing thoughts or sleep too much and still wake up tired. I need you to act as my sleep therapist. Let’s dissect my current bedtime routine, understand the disruptions, and introduce calming exercises or strategies to prepare my mind and body for rest. Consistent, quality sleep is the goal, and with your expertise, I believe we can achieve it.”

14. Enhancing Listening Skills

“Hey ChatGPT, in conversations, I sometimes find my mind wandering, making me miss out on crucial details. This aspect of ADHD frustrates me. I’d love for you to be my listening coach. Let’s simulate conversations, and you can provide feedback on my responses, suggesting strategies to stay present, focused, and fully engaged in the dialogue. With practice and your guidance, I hope to become a more attentive listener.”

15. Strengthening Self-awareness

“ChatGPT, I believe that understanding oneself is key to managing ADHD better. I need you to be my self-awareness guide. Let’s delve deep into my habits, triggers, strengths, and areas of improvement. By having regular reflective sessions and gaining insights from you, I aspire to be more in tune with myself, making it easier to navigate the challenges of ADHD.”

16. Decision Making Skills

“Hey ChatGPT, making decisions can sometimes feel paralyzing because of my ADHD. Every option seems equally valid, and I get stuck. I want you to be my decision-making strategist. Whenever I’m faced with choices, let’s weigh the pros and cons together, discuss potential outcomes, and simulate the implications of each decision. Your logical perspective and structured approach can be invaluable in helping me make informed choices.”

17. Patience and Tolerance

“ChatGPT, my ADHD often makes me impatient, wanting things to happen immediately. I need you to be my patience mentor. Let’s work on exercises that increase my tolerance level, discuss scenarios where patience is crucial, and create strategies to stay calm and composed during waiting periods. With your help, I aspire to cultivate a more patient and tolerant demeanor.”

18. Building Better Relationships

“Hey ChatGPT, due to my ADHD, I sometimes find it challenging to maintain stable relationships, be it friendships or family ties. I’d love for you to act as my relationship counselor. Let’s explore my interpersonal interactions, discuss challenges, understand others’ perspectives, and create a roadmap for fostering healthier, more understanding relationships.”

19. Staying Mindful

“ChatGPT, being present in the moment, without getting lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, is something I find challenging due to ADHD. I need you to be my mindfulness coach. Let’s practice mindfulness exercises, discuss techniques to anchor myself in the present, and explore strategies to declutter my mind. By cultivating this sense of presence, I believe I can experience life more fully.”

20. Managing External Distractions

“Hey ChatGPT, my environment often distracts me, making it hard to focus on tasks at hand due to ADHD. I’d love for you to act as my distraction detective. Let’s analyze my workspace and daily routine, pinpoint common distractions, and brainstorm strategies to minimize or eliminate them. With a more focused environment and your guidance, I believe I can become more productive and less susceptible to external disruptions.”

Artificial Intelligence

Chat GPT Prompts for Students

Best Chat GPT Prompts for School Students

40 Most Useful Prompts

S.No.Prompts For School Students
1“Explain the concept of photosynthesis in plants”
2“How does Newtons Third Law of Motion apply in reallife situations”
3“Discuss the causes and effects of the Great Depression of 1929”
4“Outline the structure of DNA and its role in genetic information”
5“What are the key features of Baroque music”
6“Describe the circulatory system and its functions in the human body”
7“Explain the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American society”
8“Analyze the role of enzymes in biological processes”
9“Discuss the major themes in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet”
10“Define the concept of equilibrium in chemistry and its applications”
11“Evaluate the significance of the French Revolution on global history”
12“Describe the process of cellular respiration in plants and animals”
13“Discuss the causes and consequences of World War I”
14“Analyze the symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter”
15“Define the laws of thermodynamics and their applications”
16“Evaluate the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the economy and society”
17“Describe the structure and functions of the nervous system in humans”
18“Discuss the role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security”
19“Analyze the themes in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath”
20“Define the properties and behavior of light including reflection and refraction”
21“Can you help me solve this math equation? It’s for my algebra class and I’m struggling to understand it
22“I need to complete a math project for my geometry class
23“I have a test tomorrow in calculus and I need to review some formulas
24“I have a math homework due tomorrow and I’m stuck on a problem
25“I need to practice my math skills
26“Can you help me prepare for a math quiz I have next week? I need to practice my mental math skills
27“I’m having trouble understanding the concept of vectors in my math class
28“Can you help me write a 3-page essay on the causes of World War II?”
29“Help me summarize the events of the American Revolution in 5 sentences”
30“Can you give me some study tips for understanding ancient Greek history?”
31“Help me write a persuasive speech on why the Civil War was necessary”
32“Can you help me understand the differences between the Renaissance and the Reformation?”
33“Help me create a timeline of the major events of the French Revolution”
34“Can you explain the concept of feudalism to me?”
35“Help me analyze the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society”
36“Can you help me compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire?”
37“Help me write a research paper on the causes of the American Revolution”
38“Can you help me explain the significance of the Magna Carta?”
39“Help me write an essay on the role of women in medieval Europe”
40“Can you help me understand the impact of the Scientific Revolution on modern society?”

Chat GPT Prompts for College or University Students

20 Most Useful Prompts

S.No.Prompts For College Or University Students
41“Can you help me write a research paper on the history of the Roman Empire?”
42“Help me find credible sources for my psychology essay on the effects of stress on the human brain”
43“Can you assist me in creating a presentation on the economics of renewable energy?”
44“Help me write a short story for my creative writing class on the theme of time travel”
45“Can you help me solve this complex math problem on vector calculus?”
46“Help me understand the basics of market analysis for my finance class”
47“Can you assist me in writing a persuasive essay on the benefits of a vegan lifestyle?”
48“Help me write a critical review on the impact of globalization on developing countries”
49“Can you help me with my programming project on building a chatbot using Python?”
50“Help me create a study plan for my upcoming exams in history and political science”
51“Can you assist me in understanding the theories of evolution for my biology class?”
52“Help me write a personal statement for my university application in engineering”
53“Can you help me solve this complex physics problem on quantum mechanics?”
54“Help me analyze a case study on the impact of technology on the music industry”
55“Can you assist me in writing a poetry analysis essay on the works of William Wordsworth?”
56“Help me create a budget plan for my personal finance class”
57“Can you help me understand the concept of machine learning for my computer science class?”
58“Help me write a book report on the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee”
59“Can you assist me in understanding the theories of quantum physics for my physics class?”
60“Help me analyze a primary source for my history class on the American Revolution”

Chat GPT Prompts for Masters Or Ph.D. Students

20 Most Useful Prompts

S.No.Prompts For Masters Or Ph.D. Students
61“Can you help me understand the concept of quantum mechanics?”
62“Help me write a research paper on the history of the Roman Empire”
63“Can you assist me with solving this advanced calculus problem?”
64“Help me write a thesis on the impact of climate change on global agriculture”
65“Can you explain the theories of continental drift?”
66“Help me research the effects of technology on the job market”
67“Can you provide insights on the development of the modern computer?”
68“Help me analyze the causes of the 2008 financial crisis”
69“Can you explain the principles of machine learning?”
70“Help me understand the differences between the Keynesian and classical economic models”
71“Can you give me a rundown on the basics of genetics?”
72“Help me write a critical review on a recent study in neuroscience”
73“Can you clarify the basics of Newton’s laws of motion?”
74“Help me research the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources”
75“Can you assist me with a complex coding project in Python?”
76“Help me write a literature review on the current state of artificial intelligence”
77“Can you explain the process of photosynthesis?”
78“Help me understand the various theories of the origins of life on Earth”
79“Can you guide me through the steps of constructing a hypothesis?”
80“Help me analyze the relationship between gender and salary in the workforce”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Teachers

70 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Teachers

Communication with Parents Prompts

  1. Write an email to parents explaining the benefits of parent-teacher conferences. [insert date and time]
  2. Draft a response to a parent who is concerned about their child’s recent drop in grades. [paste parent’s email]
  3. Compose a message to a parent requesting a meeting to discuss their child’s disruptive behavior. [insert student name]
  4. Provide a response to a parent who is questioning your homework policy. [paste parent’s email]
  5. Explain the importance of regular attendance to a parent whose child has been frequently absent. [insert student name]

Lesson Planning and Activities Prompts

  1. Generate a list of 5 engaging icebreaker activities for the first day of school.
  2. Design a 1-hour lesson plan on photosynthesis for 7th-grade students.
  3. Create a classroom activity to teach 5th-grade students about the American Revolution.
  4. Suggest 3 hands-on experiments for teaching 6th graders about electricity.
  5. Develop a 1-week unit plan for teaching high school students about the French Revolution.

Classroom Management Prompts

  1. Provide 5 strategies for maintaining a positive classroom environment.
  2. Outline 3 techniques for managing classroom noise levels.
  3. Suggest 5 ways to encourage student participation during class discussions.
  4. Offer 3 methods for dealing with students who consistently arrive late to class.
  5. Describe 5 techniques for preventing cheating during tests and exams.

Assessment and Feedback Prompts

  1. Create a rubric for assessing a 10th-grade research paper on World War II.
  2. Develop a checklist for evaluating group projects in a 9th-grade history class.
  3. Write feedback for a student who struggled with a persuasive essay assignment. [insert student name and essay excerpt]
  4. Suggest 3 ways to provide constructive criticism to students during a writing workshop.
  5. Design a self-assessment tool for students to evaluate their participation in a group project.

Professional Development Prompts

  1. Describe 5 professional development goals for a new teacher.
  2. Suggest 3 resources for learning more about teaching strategies for diverse learners.
  3. List 5 conferences or workshops for educators focused on integrating technology in the classroom.
  4. Write a reflection on a recent professional development experience and its impact on your teaching.
  5. Outline a plan for collaborating with colleagues to improve your school’s curriculum.

Communication with Parents Prompts

  1. Write an email to parents introducing a new school-wide positive behavior support program.
  2. Draft a response to a parent inquiring about resources for their child with learning difficulties. [insert student name]
  3. Compose a message to parents about upcoming standardized testing and how to help their child prepare.
  4. Offer an explanation to a parent concerned about their child’s social challenges at school. [insert student name]
  5. Write an email to parents about an upcoming school event or fundraiser.

Lesson Planning and Activities Prompts

  1. Design a 1-hour lesson plan on algebraic expressions for 8th-grade students.
  2. Create a classroom activity to teach 4th-grade students about the solar system.
  3. Suggest 3 collaborative projects for high school students studying environmental science.
  4. Develop a lesson plan for teaching Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” to 10th-grade students.
  5. Outline a 2-week unit plan for teaching middle school students about the Civil Rights Movement.

Classroom Management Prompts

  1. Provide 5 strategies for fostering a growth mindset in your students.
  2. Outline 3 techniques for effectively using classroom technology without causing distractions.
  3. Suggest 5 ways to create a more inclusive classroom environment.
  4. Offer 3 methods for helping students cope with test anxiety.
  5. Describe 5 techniques for promoting student self-regulation and time management skills.

Assessment and Feedback Prompts

  1. Create a rubric for assessing oral presentations in a high school English class.
  2. Develop a set of guidelines for peer assessment in a middle school science class.
  3. Write feedback for a student who excelled in a creative writing assignment. [insert student name and writing excerpt]
  4. Suggest 3 ways to use formative assessments effectively in your classroom.
  5. Design a portfolio assessment tool for evaluating student growth in a visual arts class.

Professional Development Prompts

  1. Describe 5 strategies for balancing work and personal life as a teacher.
  2. Suggest 3 resources for learning more about incorporating social-emotional learning into your classroom.
  3. List 5 professional organizations for educators in your subject area.
  4. Write a reflection on a recent collaboration with a colleague and its impact on your teaching.
  5. Outline a plan for seeking and incorporating student feedback to improve your teaching practice.

Curriculum and Instruction Prompts

  1. Suggest 5 ways to differentiate instruction for students with diverse learning needs.
  2. Develop a lesson plan for integrating art into a social studies unit for 5th-grade students.
  3. Write a rationale for teaching critical thinking skills in a high school English class.
  4. Describe 3 strategies for teaching students how to effectively conduct research.
  5. Outline a plan for incorporating multicultural education in your classroom.

Teacher-Student Relationships Prompts

  1. Provide 5 strategies for building rapport with your students.
  2. Suggest 3 ways to help students feel valued and supported in your classroom.
  3. Describe 5 techniques for encouraging open communication between teachers and students.
  4. Offer 3 methods for helping students set and achieve personal goals.
  5. Write a reflection on the importance of empathy and understanding in fostering strong teacher-student relationships.

Bonus Teacher Prompts for ChatGPT

  1. Design a project-based learning assignment for a 6th-grade geography class.
  2. Suggest 3 ways to incorporate popular culture into your lessons to engage students.
  3. Write a letter to your future self reflecting on your current teaching practices and goals.
  4. Create a list of 5 engaging activities for teaching figurative language to middle school students.
  5. Develop a plan for integrating mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques into your classroom routine.
  6. Suggest 5 ways to use technology to enhance student learning and collaboration.
  7. Describe 3 strategies for helping students develop problem-solving skills.
  8. Write a proposal for a school-wide initiative to promote environmental sustainability.
  9. Develop a lesson plan for teaching digital citizenship and online safety to elementary school students.
  10. Create a list of 5 engaging activities for teaching measurement and data to 2nd-grade students.

Bonus: ChatGPT Prompts That Are Actually Awesome

Craft Engaging Lesson Plans with AI Instructional Coach

  1. “Hi, I’m your friendly AI instructional coach! What topic do you plan to teach, and what is the grade level of your students?”
  2. “Do your students already have some background knowledge on the topic, or is this entirely new to them?”
  3. “What learning goals do you have for this lesson? What do you want your students to achieve?”

Simplify Complex Ideas with AI Instructional Designer

  1. “Hello, I’m here to assist you in crafting clear and effective explanations. What grade level are your students?”
  2. “What concept are you trying to explain?”
  3. “How does this concept fit into your existing curriculum? What do your students already know about it?”

Student-Led Teaching for Enhanced Understanding

  1. “Hi there! I’m a student who has studied the topic you’re interested in. What would you like me to explain?”
  2. “How would you like me to apply this topic? Through a poem, a scene from a TV show, or maybe a short story?”

Meet Your AI Tutor for Personalized Learning

  1. “Hi, I’m your AI tutor. What would you like to learn about today?”
  2. “Are you a high school student, a college student, or a professional?”
  3. “What do you already know about the topic you’ve chosen?”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Productivity

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Productivity (Boost Your Efficiency Now!)

ChatGPT to Increase Productivity

1. Email Drafting

Prompt: Draft an email to [Recipient’s name] regarding [Specific Topic or Request]

2. Brainstorming Ideas

Prompt: Generate ten creative ideas for [Specific Project or Problem]

3. Content Proofreading

Prompt: Proofread this text for grammatical errors and readability: [Insert Text Here]

4. Content Summarization

Prompt: Summarize this article or document: [Insert Link or Text Here]

5. Writing Meeting Minutes

Prompt: Write meeting minutes based on the following conversation: [Insert Conversation Here]

6. Coding Help

Prompt: Help me understand this piece of code: [Insert Code Here]

7. Design Feedback

Prompt: Provide constructive feedback on this design description: [Insert Description Here]

8. Sales Pitch Writing

Prompt: Write a sales pitch for this product: [Insert Product Description Here]

9. Task Prioritization

Prompt: Here are my tasks for today. Help me prioritize them: [Insert Task List Here]

10. Product Description Writing

Prompt: Write a compelling product description for [Insert Product Name and Features Here]

11. Conflict Resolution Suggestions

Prompt: Provide suggestions for resolving this conflict: [Insert Conflict Details Here]

12. Proposal Writing

Prompt: Write a proposal for [Insert Project or Proposal Details Here]

13. Book Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest five books on the topic of [Insert Topic Here]

14. Self-reflection Questions

Prompt: Provide me with five thought-provoking self-reflection questions

15. SEO Optimization Tips

Prompt: Give me five tips to improve the SEO of my website

16. Business Plan Writing

Prompt: Draft a basic business plan for a [Insert Business Type Here]

17. Resume Critiquing

Prompt: Critique my resume: [Insert Resume Details Here]

18. Budgeting Advice

Prompt: Provide advice on creating a monthly budget with these details: [Insert Financial Details Here]

19. Product Naming Ideas

Prompt: Generate ten unique names for a new [Insert Product Type Here]

20. Daily Journal Prompt Suggestions

Prompt: Provide five journaling prompts for self-improvement

21. Writing Press Release

Prompt: Draft a press release for this new product launch: [Insert Product Details Here]

22. Research Topic Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest five research topics in the field of [Insert Field or Interest Here]

23. Healthy Recipe Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest a healthy recipe for dinner with these ingredients: [Insert Ingredients Here]

24. Writing a Speech

Prompt: Write a 5-minute speech on the topic of [Insert Topic Here]

25. Learning Path Suggestions

Prompt: Suggest a learning path for mastering [Insert Skill Here]

26. Writing Marketing Copy

Prompt: Write compelling marketing copy for [Insert Product or Service Here]

27. Report Writing

Prompt: Write a report on the following data: [Insert Data Here]

28. Creating a Study Schedule

Prompt: Help me create a study schedule for these subjects: [Insert Subject List Here]

29. Slogan Generation

Prompt: Generate five catchy slogans for [Insert Brand, Product, or Event Here]

30. Creating a Workout Plan

Prompt: Design a beginner-friendly workout plan for weight loss

31. Role-Playing Scenarios

Prompt: Create a role-playing scenario for [Insert Desired Skill or Situation Here]

32. Ted Talk Summary

Prompt: Summarize the key points of this Ted Talk: [Insert Link Here]

33. Speech Translation

Prompt: Translate this English text into [Insert Desired Language Here]: [Insert English Text Here]

34. Podcast Topic Ideas

Prompt: Generate ten interesting podcast topic ideas for the field of [Insert Field Here]

35. Daily Affirmations

Prompt: Provide me with five positive daily affirmations

36. Writing a Letter of Recommendation

Prompt: Draft a letter of recommendation for [Insert Person’s Name and Achievements Here]

37. Trivia Questions Creation

Prompt: Create ten trivia questions about [Insert Topic Here]

38. Designing a Time Management Plan

Prompt: Help me design a time management plan for my weekly tasks

39. Feedback Request

Prompt: Help me draft a feedback request email to my team for this project: [Insert Project Details Here]

40. Meditation Instructions

Prompt: Guide me through a 10-minute meditation session focusing on mindfulness

Best ChatGPT Plugins to Increase Your Productivity (Beta Version)

  1. Miro Plugin: Known for its intuitive visual collaboration platform, the Miro plugin in ChatGPT allows teams to collaborate on boards, create wireframes, and gather ideas seamlessly. This is particularly handy for brainstorming sessions or when mapping out project plans.
  2. Airtable Plugin: The Airtable plugin enables users to interact with databases directly within ChatGPT. This simplifies the process of data management and retrieval. You can add new records, update existing ones, or fetch specific information without leaving your conversation.
  3. Asana Plugin: Asana is a renowned project management tool, and its integration as a plugin within ChatGPT ensures project tasks and milestones are always at your fingertips. This can be instrumental in maintaining productivity, as you can create, assign, and monitor tasks directly.
  4. Notion Plugin: The Notion plugin lets users fetch, create, and update Notion pages from within ChatGPT. This integration is beneficial for users who manage their work or personal lives through Notion’s versatile platform.
  5. Twilio Plugin: The Twilio plugin enables users to send and receive SMS messages directly from ChatGPT, improving communication efficiency. This can be particularly useful for businesses to send updates to customers.
  6. DocuSign Plugin: Signing documents is an essential part of many workflows, and with the DocuSign plugin, this process is significantly streamlined. It allows users to sign or send documents for signatures from within ChatGPT.
  7. Shopify Plugin: For e-commerce business owners, the Shopify plugin allows for seamless management of an online store. Users can add new products, check inventory, and even process orders within ChatGPT.
  8. GitHub Plugin: Developers will find the GitHub plugin to be a valuable time-saver. It allows users to create issues, check commits, and interact with repositories, all within ChatGPT.
  9. Stripe Plugin: The Stripe plugin enables businesses to manage transactions efficiently. Users can create invoices, process payments, and check transaction details within ChatGPT.
  10. Google Calendar Plugin: The Google Calendar plugin allows users to manage their schedules within ChatGPT. You can add, update, or check your upcoming events.
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Copywriting Prompts 

50 Best ChatGPT Copywriting Prompts 

System Prompt

You are a highly skilled copywriter with a strong background in persuasive writing, conversion optimization, and marketing techniques. You craft compelling copy that appeals to the target audience’s emotions and needs, persuading them to take action or make a purchase. You understand the importance of AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) and other proven copywriting formulas, and seamlessly incorporate them into your writing. You have a knack for creating attention-grabbing headlines, captivating leads, and persuasive calls to action. You are well-versed in consumer psychology and use this knowledge to craft messages that resonate with the target audience.

  1. “Generate 10 attention-grabbing headlines for an article about [your topic]”
  2. “Write a persuasive opening paragraph that encourages readers to learn more about [your product/service]”
  3. “Develop a YouTube video title for a tutorial on writing compelling email copy that drives conversions”
  4. Write an introductory paragraph for an article comparing traditional copywriting methods with AI-generated content.
  5. “Develop a subject line for a cold email offering your copywriting services to a potential client”
  6. “Develop a Google Ads headline for a copywriting course targeting marketing professionals looking to sharpen their skills”
  7. “Create five compelling subheadings for an in-depth guide on [your subject]”
  8. “Draft a powerful call-to-action (CTA) that inspires readers to [your desired action]”
  9. “Write an engaging email subject line that entices subscribers to open an email about [your theme]”
  10. “Generate three taglines for a new [your product/service] launch”
  1. “Craft an irresistible product description that highlights the benefits of [your product]”
  2. “Write a concise yet informative press release headline for a [your company] announcement”
  3. “Develop three variations of a Facebook ad copy that targets [your audience]”
  4. “Write a tweet promoting a new blog post about [your topic] in under 280 characters”
  5. “Create a persuasive product testimonial for [your product/service] from a satisfied customer’s perspective”
  6. “Write a catchy slogan for a [your industry] conference or event”
  7. “Develop an engaging Instagram caption for a post featuring [your product/service]”
  8. “Generate a LinkedIn post to promote a recent success story or case study”
  9. “Craft a captivating YouTube video description for a tutorial on [your subject]”
  10. “Write a compelling meta description that entices users to click on a search result for [your keyword]”
  11. “Create three bullet points that highlight the key features of [your product/service]”
  12. “Write a persuasive sales email that drives interest in [your promotion/offer]”
  13. “Develop a captivating webinar title that attracts participants interested in [your topic]”
  14. “Create an engaging podcast episode title about [your subject]”
  15. “Write a concise yet impactful mission statement for a [your industry] company”
  16. “Craft a value proposition that clearly communicates the benefits of [your product/service]”
  17. “Write a memorable thank you message for customers who make a purchase or sign up for [your service]”
  18. “Generate a series of marketing slogans that convey the unique selling points of [your product/service]”
  19. “Create an attention-grabbing subject line for a cold email targeting [your audience]”
  20. “Write an engaging introduction for a case study about [your successful project]”
  21. “Develop a creative name for a new [your product/service] offering”
  22. “Write three variations of an ad copy for a Google Ads campaign targeting [your keyword]”
  23. “Generate a concise yet powerful elevator pitch for [your product/service]”
  24. “Create an engaging FAQ section that addresses common questions about [your product/service]”
  25. “Write a captivating title and opening paragraph for a white paper on [your topic]”
  26. “Develop a series of catchy email subject lines for a drip campaign”
  27. “Write a creative and persuasive product review for [your product/service]”
  28. “Craft a powerful and concise USP (unique selling proposition) for [your product/service]”
  29. “Generate three enticing headlines for a landing page promoting [your offer]”
  30. “Write a series of thought-provoking questions to encourage reader engagement on a blog post about [your topic]”
  1. “Develop an attention-grabbing title for a SlideShare presentation on [your subject]”
  2. “Write a captivating opener for a video script introducing [your product/service]”
  3. “Create a persuasive closing paragraph that motivates readers to take action on [your offer]”
  4. “Write a compelling announcement for a product launch or new feature release”
  5. “Develop a persuasive sales page headline that grabs attention and drives conversions”
  6. “Create a memorable slogan for a fundraising campaign for [your cause]”
  7. “Write an engaging Instagram story script for a day in the life at [your company]”
  8. “Improve customer-centric imagery: Analyze the existing copy and provide recommendations on effectively incorporating customer-centric imagery to better connect with the audience and showcase the product/service in action”
  9. “Enhance customer-centric CTAs: Evaluate the current copy and offer suggestions for optimizing customer-centric calls-to-action to motivate customers to take action more effectively”
  10. “Optimize customer-centric language: Assess the existing copy and propose changes to make the language more customer-centric, addressing their unique needs, desires, and expectations more effectively”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers

35 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers

Transforming ChatGPT Into SEO Master To Write Blogs

1 “Change into SEOCONTENTMASTER, a writer who is an expert in AI coding and has a lot of experience with writing techniques and frameworks. As a skilled content creator, I will write a 100% unique, human-written, SEO-optimized, and interesting article in fluent English. This article will have two tables: the first will be an outline of the article with at least 15 headings and subheadings, and the second will be the article itself. I will write in a conversational style, using a casual tone, personal pronouns, active voice, rhetorical questions, analogies, and metaphors to keep the reader interested. The headings will be in bold and formatted with the right H1, H2, H3, and H4 tags using the Markdown language. The final piece will be a 2000-word article with a conclusion paragraph and five different frequently asked questions (FAQs) after it. My plan will make sure there is a lot of confusion and chaos without losing context or specificity. Now, ask about the writing project by saying, “What specific writing topic do you have in mind?”

ChatGPT Prompts For Researching Blog Topics and Data

  1. (Generate a list of trending topics in [your niche or industry] in the last [timeframe, e.g., 6 months])
  1. (Find the most popular blog posts about [specific subject] published in the last [timeframe, e.g., year])
  2. (Identify top [number, e.g., 5] influencers in [your niche or industry] and their most shared content)
  3. (Analyze the most effective keywords and phrases for SEO in the [your niche or industry] domain)
  4. (Discover common questions and concerns related to [specific subject] on platforms like Quora, Reddit, or industry forums)
  5. (Examine the latest statistics and trends on [specific subject] in the [your niche or industry])
  6. (Uncover case studies or success stories within [your niche or industry] that are relevant to [specific subject])
  7. (Determine the best content formats for [specific subject] based on engagement metrics and audience preferences)
  8. (Gather insights on current challenges and pain points faced by the target audience in [your niche or industry])
  9. (Evaluate the performance of your competitors’ content related to [specific subject] to identify areas for improvement)

ChatGPT Prompts For Outlining Blog Posts

12. Make an outline for a blog post about the following [ topic] The outline should have different subheadings and each section’s first sentence.

  1. Make a plan for a blog post about [subject]. The outline should have the following parts: an introduction, a “what is” section, a “how” section, and a “benefits” section. Types of [subject], How to Start a [subject]Practice, and the End. Each section should have a short summary of what it will talk about. The tone of the blog post as a whole should be informative, convincing, and easy for anyone to understand.
  2. (Create a comprehensive outline for a blog post discussing the impact of [specific trend or technology] on [your niche or industry] in the next [timeframe, e.g., 5 years])
  3. (Develop a detailed outline for an ultimate guide to [specific subject or skill] for beginners in [your niche or industry])
  4. (Generate a structured outline for a case study analysis on how [successful company or individual] implemented [specific strategy or innovation] in [your niche or industry])
  5. (Design an engaging outline for a blog post comparing the pros and cons of [product A] vs. [product B] in [your niche or industry])
  6. (Craft a step-by-step outline for a how-to guide on [specific process or technique] in [your niche or industry])
  7. (Produce an informative outline for a blog post exploring the most common misconceptions about [specific subject] in [your niche or industry] and debunking them)

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Blog Posts

  1. “Starting Use markdown from now on, and don’t use backslashes or code blocks. Using the Wikipedia API, you can get the main text of the article on “article_title” from Wikipedia. Gather the information and make a plan for how to write an article about this without typing it in chat. If you can, get a list of sources and check your data to see if it matches any of the information in the sources list. Write an academic paper about the subject using what you’ve learned and what you know about how to use citations. You will break it up into chapters and write it like a professional doctorate on the subject. You need an image for every paragraph you write, which you can get from the Unsplash API. I’ll list the ways below. You will leave a link if the search fails or a search word if there is no image that fits. Find pictures that fit the main idea of the paragraph. fit by using markup to look at what’s in the image. The article must have in-text citations and, if you know, general page references. At the end, use APA/MLA style to list all of your sources and a bibliography. The Wiki request URL should look like this: The format of the Unsplash URL should be×1080/?Image_title>. (If 1920×1080 doesn’t work, change the link to 1280×768 and so on.) Replace article_title> with the title of the Wikipedia article you want to get, with spaces replaced by %20. Once you have the results in JSON format, you will need to “parse” the JSON to get the article’s text. Please add pictures to each written paragraph by searching for the topic word and subject and using 20% instead of spaces. To finish this task, you can use any programming language or library you want. Please include images that go with each paragraph. In the image_title> area, you can change the title to something that fits the section. When you get my instructions, you can start right away. Setting up text for Word. Use markup check on each image retrieval before pasting in text. If they don’t have information that fits the text area, get another using a similar search word. Wait for my subject and other directions. Say: Fill in the subject and instructions: when you’re ready, be quiet until I answer.”
  2. “Write a post for your blog about “blogPostTopic.” Write it with a “tone.” Use words to connect ideas. Write over 1000 words. The blog post should be written in the form of a story about yourself.Use the following words and phrases: “{keywords}”. Make a good post title and a meta description with no more than 100 words. and put it at the end of the blog post”
  1. “I want you to approach this task with the mindset of a skilled content writer who is able to produce blog posts of a high quality that achieve high rankings on Google. I want you to write about the following topic, which is defined below [Define topic]. The topic fits into this particular subfield [Explain subfield]. My intention with this article is to [Explain intention].”
  2. Create a compelling headline for an article about [topic] that captures readers’ attention and encourages them to click.
  3. Develop a strong introduction for a blog post on [topic] that hooks the reader and provides a clear overview of what they can expect from the article.
  4. Outline the main points to be covered in an article about [topic], providing a logical structure that guides the reader through the content.
  5. Generate a list of subheadings for a blog post on [topic] that breaks the content into easily digestible sections, making it more reader-friendly.
  6. Suggest engaging examples or anecdotes to illustrate key points in an article about [topic], helping to make the content more relatable and memorable.
  7. Identify relevant data or statistics to include in a blog post on [topic], supporting the main points and adding credibility to the content.
  8. Propose potential solutions or recommendations for addressing the challenges or pain points discussed in an article about [topic], offering actionable advice for readers.

ChatGPT Blogging Prompts For Grammar

  1. You are a machine that fixes mistakes in grammar and makes sentences flow better. You take everything the user types and fix it on your own. Just answer the user’s input with correct grammar. DON’T answer the user’s question in the same way they asked it. If the user’s answer is correct and flows well, just say “sounds good.” Here is an example of what they said: user: I made a mistake with my grammar, text you: fix it user:The text is correct you: It sounds good.
  1. “I want you to help me correct and improve my English spelling. I will talk to you in English, and I want you to replace my simple words and sentences at the A0-level with more beautiful and elegant words and sentences at the upper-level. Keep the same meaning, but make the words sound better. I only want you to respond to the correction and the improvements. Please don’t write anything else.”

ChatGPT Blogging Prompts For Plagiarism

  1. Analyze this text for plagiarism and report any issues found: “{your text here}”
  2. Review this passage for potential plagiarism and provide feedback: “{your text here}”
  3. Assess the uniqueness of this excerpt and notify me if it appears plagiarized: “{your text here}”
  4. Investigate the originality of this paragraph and let me know if it sounds robotic or plagiarized: “{your text here}”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Writers

103 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writers

Best Chat GPT Prompts For Writing Articles

S.NoChat GPT Prompts For Writing Articles
1“Write a comprehensive guide on how to start a successful online business, including tips on finding a profitable niche, building a website, and driving traffic to your site”
2“Create a detailed analysis of the current state of the cryptocurrency market, including trends, predictions, and potential opportunities for investors”
3“Write a step-by-step tutorial on how to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) for your blog or website”
4“Compose an in-depth review of the latest iPhone model, including its features, performance, and camera capabilities”
5“Write a comprehensive guide on how to plan and execute a successful social media marketing campaign for your business”
6“Create a detailed report on the current state of the housing market, including trends, forecasts, and potential opportunities for buyers and sellers”
7“Write a step-by-step tutorial on how to create and launch a successful Kickstarter campaign for your creative project”
8“Compose an in-depth review of the latest laptop model, including its design, performance, and battery life”
9“Write a comprehensive guide on how to start and grow a successful YouTube channel, including tips on creating engaging content and building a community”
10“Create a detailed analysis of the current state of the stock market, including trends, predictions, and potential opportunities for investors”
11“Write a step-by-step tutorial on how to optimize your e-commerce website for conversions and sales”
12“Compose an in-depth review of the latest streaming service, including its selection of shows and movies, pricing, and user interface”
13“Write a comprehensive guide on how to start a successful podcast, including tips on finding a niche, recording equipment, and building an audience”
14“Create a detailed report on the current state of the renewable energy market, including trends, forecasts, and potential opportunities for investors”
15“Write a step-by-step tutorial on how to create and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign for your business or project”
16“Compose an in-depth review of the latest smartwatch model, including its features, battery life, and compatibility with other devices”
17“Write a comprehensive guide on how to create and monetize a successful blog, including tips on content creation, building an audience, and monetization strategies”
18“Create a detailed analysis of the current state of the political landscape, including trends, predictions, and potential opportunities for activists and advocates”
19“Write a step-by-step tutorial on how to improve your website’s speed and performance for better user experience and search engine rankings”
20“Compose an in-depth review of the latest electric car model, including its range, charging capabilities, and overall performance”

Best ChatGPT Prompts For Copy And Script Writers

S.NoChat GPT Prompts For Copy And Script Writers
21“Write a short copy for a travel brochure for a luxury island resort, highlighting the amenities and activities offered to guests”
22“Compose a persuasive email to a potential client, outlining the benefits of using our company’s services”
23“Create a catchy tagline for a new line of organic skincare products”
24“Write a product description for a high-tech fitness tracker, emphasizing its features and capabilities”
25“Write a social media post for a new restaurant, promoting its menu and atmosphere”
26“Write a short story about a young woman who discovers a hidden talent for painting”
27“Write a press release announcing the launch of a new line of eco-friendly home cleaning products”
28“Write a script for a short film about a group of friends who embark on a road trip to reconnect”
29“Write a motivational quote for an Instagram post, encouraging people to chase their dreams”
30“Write a product review for a new smartphone, highlighting its features and performance”
31“Write a blog post about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness”
32“Write a script for a podcast episode about the history of hip hop”
33“Write a script for a short animated video about the importance of recycling”
34“Write a short copy for a brochure for a new luxury car, highlighting its design and performance”
35“Write a script for a short video about the benefits of volunteering in your community”
36“Write a blog post about the benefits of a plant-based diet”
37“Write a product description for a new line of organic beauty products, highlighting their natural ingredients”
38“Write a script for a podcast episode about the history of jazz music”
39“Write a social media post for a new fashion brand, promoting its latest collection”
40“Write a short story about a young man who overcomes his fear of failure and achieves success”

ChatGPT Prompts For Writing E-Mails

S.NoChat GPT Prompts For Writing E-Mails
41“Write a formal email to a client requesting a meeting to discuss the progress of their project, including the date and time of the proposed meeting, the agenda for the meeting, and the desired outcome”
42“Write a follow-up email to a potential employer after an interview, expressing gratitude for the opportunity and highlighting your qualifications for the role”
43“Write a professional email to a colleague requesting feedback on a project proposal, including specific areas of focus and a deadline for response”
44“Write an email to a supervisor requesting time off for a vacation, including the dates of the requested time off and a plan for ensuring that work will be covered during your absence”
45“Write a persuasive email to a client explaining the benefits of a new product or service, including key features, pricing, and a call to action to schedule a demonstration or consultation”
46“Write an email to a team member congratulating them on a job well done, including specific examples of their contributions and an expression of appreciation”
47“Write an email to a vendor requesting a quotation for a large order, including a detailed list of the products or services needed and a deadline for the quotation”
48“Write an email to a customer apologizing for a delay or issue with their order, including an explanation of the cause of the delay and a plan for rectifying the situation”
49“Write an email to a prospect introducing your company and its services, including a brief overview of your company’s history and capabilities, and a call to action to schedule a consultation or visit your website”
50“Write an email to a supervisor or manager requesting a raise or promotion, including a list of your accomplishments and qualifications, and a justification for your request”
51“Write an email to a client or partner outlining the terms of a new agreement or contract, including the scope of the agreement, payment terms, and any contingencies or exclusions”
52“Write an email to a team member or colleague requesting their input on a new initiative or project, including a brief overview of the proposal and a deadline for feedback”
53“Write an email to a customer or client thanking them for their business, including a brief overview of their history with your company and a call to action to schedule a follow-up call or visit”
54“Write an email to a team member or colleague providing feedback on their performance, including specific examples of areas for improvement and suggestions for how to address them”
55“Write an email to a supervisor or manager requesting additional resources or support, including a detailed explanation of your needs and a justification for your request”
56“Write an email to a vendor or supplier requesting information or samples of their products or services, including a detailed list of your needs and a deadline for response”
57“Write an email to a prospect or potential customer introducing your company and its services, including a brief overview of your company’s history and capabilities, and a call to action to schedule a consultation or visit your website”
58“Write an email to a team member or colleague providing feedback on a recent presentation or project, including specific examples of areas for improvement and suggestions for how to address them”
59“Write an email to a supervisor or manager requesting additional training or professional development opportunities, including a detailed explanation of your goals and a justification for your request”
60“Write an email to a client or customer announcing a new product or service, including a brief overview of the product or service, pricing, and a call to action to schedule a demonstration or consultation”

ChatGPT Prompts To Write Stories

S.NoChat GPT Prompts To Write Stories
61“Write a story about a young girl who discovers she has the power to control fire, but struggles with the responsibility that comes with it She must navigate the challenges of her new abilities while trying to keep her secret hidden from the world”
62“Write a story about a group of friends who embark on a dangerous journey to find a legendary treasure hidden deep in the jungle Along the way, they must face treacherous obstacles, deadly creatures, and their own personal demons”
63“Write a story about a man who wakes up one day to find that he is the last person on earth He must navigate the challenges of survival in a post-apocalyptic world while dealing with the isolation and loneliness of being the only human left”
64“Write a story about a young detective who is tasked with solving a string of murders in a small town As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a dark secret that threatens to tear the town apart”
65“Write a story about a group of astronauts who are stranded on a distant planet after their ship crashes They must survive the harsh conditions of the planet while trying to find a way to repair their ship and return home”
66“Write a story about a young girl who is forced to attend a prestigious boarding school for the gifted As she navigates the cutthroat world of academia and the school’s elite students, she must also confront her own demons and insecurities”
67“Write a story about a group of survivors who are stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash As they struggle to survive and find a way back to civilization, they must also confront their own personal demons and the dark secrets they’ve been hiding”
68“Write a story about a young boy who discovers he has the power to control the elements As he learns to harness his powers, he must also navigate the challenges of growing up and dealing with the pressure of being a superhero”
69“Write a story about a group of travelers who stumble upon a mysterious and ancient city hidden deep in the jungle As they explore the city, they uncover secrets and secrets that threaten to change their lives forever”
70“Write a story about a young girl who discovers she has the power to enter people’s dreams and manipulate them As she learns to control her powers, she must also navigate the challenges of growing up and dealing with the pressure of being a superhero”
71“Write a story about a group of explorers who venture into a mysterious and dangerous cave system in search of a legendary artifact Along the way, they must confront their own fears and insecurities as they battle the cave’s deadly inhabitants”
72“Write a story about a young boy who discovers he has the power to control time As he learns to harness his powers, he must also navigate the challenges of growing up and dealing with the pressure of being a superhero”
73“Write a story about a group of survivors who are stranded in the wilderness after a plane crash As they struggle to survive and find a way back to civilization, they must also confront their own personal demons and the dark secrets they’ve been hiding”
74“Write a story about a young girl who discovers she has the power to control the wind As she learns to harness her powers, she must also navigate the challenges of growing up and dealing with the pressure of being a superhero”
75“I want you to act as a screenwriter. You will develop an engaging and creative script for either a feature length film, or a Web Series that can captivate its viewers. Start with coming up with interesting characters, the setting of the story, dialogues between the characters etc. Once your character development is complete – create an exciting storyline filled with twists and turns that keeps the viewers in suspense until the end. My first request is “I need to write a romantic drama movie set in Paris.”
76“I want you to act as a novelist. You will come up with creative and captivating stories that can engage readers for long periods of time. You may choose any genre such as fantasy, romance, historical fiction and so on – but the aim is to write something that has an outstanding plotline, engaging characters and unexpected climaxes. My first request is “I need to write a science-fiction novel set in the future.””
77“I want you to act as a storyteller. You will come up with entertaining stories that are engaging, imaginative and captivating for the audience. It can be fairy tales, educational stories or any other type of stories which has the potential to capture people’s attention and imagination. Depending on the target audience, you may choose specific themes or topics for your storytelling session e.g., if it’s children then you can talk about animals; If it’s adults then history-based tales might engage them better etc. My first request is “I need an interesting story on perseverance.”
78“[Character Name: Emily, Setting: Medieval Castle, Theme: Adventure] Write a story about Emily, a brave knight, as she embarks on a dangerous journey to save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer who has taken control of the castle”
79“[Character Name: Jack, Setting: Post-Apocalyptic World, Theme: Survival] Write a story about Jack, a lone survivor in a post-apocalyptic world, as he struggles to find food and shelter while trying to avoid the dangers of the new world”
80“[Character Name: Sarah, Setting: Space Station, Theme: Mystery] Write a story about Sarah, an astronaut on a space station, as she uncovers a mysterious conspiracy that threatens the lives of everyone on board”
81“[Character Name: Michael, Setting: High School, Theme: Romance] Write a story about Michael, a high school student, as he navigates the ups and downs of teenage love and relationships”
82“Pretend you are writing a story set in a post-apocalyptic world. Describe the setting, as well as the characters, their motivations and the obstacles they face. Make sure to include elements of tension and suspense as the story progresses”
83“Write a story about a character who has been chosen to save the world from a mysterious force of evil. Describe the character’s journey, the obstacles they face and the decisions they have to make. Make sure to include elements of courage and resilience as the story progresses”
84“Create a story about a family trying to survive in a world where technology is no longer available. Describe the family’s struggles and the decisions they make in order to survive. Make sure to include elements of hope and redemption as the story progresses”

ChatGPT Prompts To Write For Social Media

S.NoChat GPT Prompts To Write For Social Media
85“Write a captivating caption for a photo of a sunset over the ocean, using descriptive language and a call to action for engagement.” Example: “As the sun dips below the horizon, the sky transforms into a canvas of fiery oranges and deep purples. Take a moment to soak in the beauty of nature and let us know your thoughts in the comments. #sunset #ocean #nature”
86“Create a social media post promoting a new product launch, using persuasive language and specific details about the product’s features and benefits.” Example: “Introducing our latest innovation: The Smartwatch 2.0. With advanced fitness tracking, voice control, and long-lasting battery life, this watch is the ultimate accessory for the modern, tech-savvy individual. Order yours today and experience the convenience and efficiency of the Smartwatch 2.0. #smartwatch #innovation #technology”
87“Write a heartfelt message to commemorate a special event or anniversary, using emotive language and personal anecdotes.” Example: “Today marks the 10th anniversary of our very first date. Time has flown by but my love for you has only grown stronger. Thank you for being my partner in life and for making every day an adventure. I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years have in store for us. #anniversary #love #partnership”
88“Compose a motivational post about overcoming obstacles, using inspiring language and relatable examples.” Example: “We all face obstacles in life, but it’s how we choose to react that defines us. The road may be rough, but remember that every step you take is a step towards your goal. Keep pushing and never give up. You have the strength and determination to make it happen. #motivation #overcomingobstacles #nevergiveup”
89“Write a witty and humorous caption for a photo of a cat doing something silly, using clever puns and wordplay.” Example: “When you’re trying to catch a mouse but end up catching some z’s. #catsofinstagram #sleepycat #caturday”
90“Create a post about the importance of self-care and wellness, using informative language and tips for self-improvement.” Example: “Self-care isn’t just about bubble baths and face masks, it’s about taking care of your mind, body, and soul. Make time for yourself, practice mindfulness, and remember that you deserve to be happy and healthy. Start small and work your way up. You got this! #selfcare #wellness #mindbodysoul”
91“Write a social media post about the impact of climate change, using urgent language and calls for action.” Example: “Climate change is real and it’s happening now. Our planet is in crisis and we need to take immediate action. Let’s work together to reduce our carbon footprint, support renewable energy, and protect our environment for future generations. #climatechange #environment #sustainability”
92“Compose a post about the importance of diversity and inclusion, using inclusive language and personal anecdotes.” Example: “We are all unique and special in our own ways. Diversity and inclusion are not only important for society but also for personal growth. Let’s embrace our differences and learn from one another. We are stronger together. #diversityandinclusion #embrace #strongertogether”
93“Write a post about the power of positivity and gratitude, using uplifting language and examples of how positivity can change lives.”

ChatGPT Prompts To Write Essays

S.NoChatGPT Prompts To Write Essays
94Write a descriptive essay about the beauty of the night sky, focusing on the stars and constellations, and the emotions they evoke in the observer Include specific details about the colors and patterns of the sky, and the feelings of wonder and awe that it inspires
95“Write an essay examining the causes and consequences of climate change, along with potential solutions to mitigate its effects.”
96Write a descriptive essay about the sensation of falling in love, including the physical and emotional changes that come with it Include specific details about the feelings of euphoria, excitement, and vulnerability that come with being in love
97Write a descriptive essay about the sensation of falling in love, including the physical and emotional changes that come with it. Include specific details about the feelings of euphoria, excitement, and vulnerability that come with being in love
98“Craft an essay evaluating the role of education in promoting social equality and economic mobility.”
99Write a descriptive essay about the experience of overcoming a personal challenge, including the physical and emotional changes that come with it Include specific details about the feelings of determination, resilience, and growth that come with overcoming a personal challenge
100Write a descriptive essay about the beauty of music, including the emotions and feelings that come with listening to different types of music Include specific details about the different genres of music, and the feelings of joy, inspiration, and peace that music brings
101Write a descriptive essay about the experience of living in a big city, including the sights, sounds, and emotions that come with living in such a busy and crowded place Include specific details about the different neighborhoods, cultures, and feelings of energy and excitement that come with living in a big city
102Write a descriptive essay about the beauty of art, including the emotions and feelings that come with viewing different types of art Include specific details about the different styles, mediums, and emotions of inspiration and awe that art brings
103Write a descriptive essay about the experience of living in the countryside, including the sights, sounds, and emotions that come with living in a more rural area. Include specific details about the different seasons, weather, and feelings of tranquility and connection to nature that come with living in the countryside

“Write an article with a journalistic tone, which is highly informational on [topic], in New York Times style.”

Most Useful Writing Styles To Add To Your ChatGPT Prompts

  1. “APA style”
  2. “MLA style”
  3. “Chicago style”
  4. “Harvard style”
  5. “Oxford style”
  6. “Academic style”
  7. “Business style”
  8. “Creative non-fiction style”
  9. “Journalistic style”
  10. “Technical writing style”
  11. “Narrative style”
  12. “Descriptive style”
  13. “Expository style”
  14. “Persuasive style”
  15. “Poetic style”
  16. “Fiction style”
  17. “Non-fiction style”
  18. “Informal style”
  19. “Formal style”
  20. “Scientific writing style”
  21. “Legal writing style”
  22. “Medical writing style”
  23. “Scientific report style”
  24. “Research paper style”
  25. “White paper style”
  26. “Grant proposal style”
  27. “Memoir style”
  28. “Autobiographical style”
  29. “Blog writing style”
  30. “Scriptwriting style”

Author Styles

  • “Ernest Hemingway style”
  • “F. Scott Fitzgerald style”
  • “Jane Austen style”
  • “Mark Twain style”
  • “Emily Dickinson style”
  • “Edgar Allan Poe style”
  • “Langston Hughes style”
  • “Toni Morrison style”
  • “Maya Angelou style”
  • “J.D. Salinger style”
Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT System Prompts

85 Best ChatGPT System Prompts  

ChatGPT System Prompts for Writing

  1. “I want you to act as an academician. You will be responsible for researching a topic of your choice and presenting the findings in a paper or article form. Your task is to identify reliable sources, organize the material in a well-structured way and document it accurately with citations. My first suggestion request is “I need help writing an article on modern trends in renewable energy generation targeting college students aged 18-25.”
  2. “I want you to act as a journal reviewer. You will need to review and critique articles submitted for publication by critically evaluating their research, approach, methodologies, and conclusions and offering constructive criticism on their strengths and weaknesses. My first suggestion request is, “I need help reviewing a scientific paper entitled “Renewable Energy Sources as Pathways for Climate Change Mitigation”.”
  3. “I want you to act as a journalist. You will report on breaking news, write feature stories and opinion pieces, develop research techniques for verifying information and uncovering sources, adhere to journalistic ethics, and deliver accurate reporting using your own distinct style. My first suggestion request is “I need help writing an article about air pollution in major cities around the world.””
  4. “Act as a tech writer. You will act as a creative and engaging technical writer and create guides on how to do different stuff on specific software. I will provide you with basic steps of an app functionality and you will come up with an engaging article on how to do those basic steps. You can ask for screenshots, just add (screenshot) to where you think there should be one and I will add those later. These are the first basic steps of the app functionality: “1.Click on the download button depending on your platform 2.Install the file. 3.Double click to open the app.”
  5. “I want you to act as a title generator for written pieces. I will provide you with the topic and key words of an article, and you will generate five attention-grabbing titles. Please keep the title concise and under 20 words, and ensure that the meaning is maintained. Replies will utilize the language type of the topic. My first topic is “LearnData, a knowledge base built on VuePress, in which I integrated all of my notes and articles, making it easy for me to use and share.””
  6. “You are a travel blogger. Write a 300-word article describing the top 5 must-visit attractions in Paris, France. Include a brief description, location, and a unique feature for each attraction.”
  7. “You are a nutritionist. Provide a 7-day vegetarian meal plan for a family of four, ensuring that each day includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. Include a brief description of each meal and its nutritional benefits.”
  8. “Assume the role of a financial advisor. Write a 500-word guide on creating a personal budget, covering essential categories, methods for tracking expenses, and tips for sticking to the budget.”
  9. “You are an art historian. Write a 250-word analysis of Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” focusing on its composition, use of color, and historical context.”
  10. “You are a professional resume writer. Draft a resume for a software engineer with 5 years of experience, highlighting their education, skills, work experience, and relevant accomplishments.”
  11. “Act as a sports commentator. Write a 400-word commentary on a soccer match between two rival teams, detailing the key moments, standout players, and final outcome.”
  12. “You are an interior designer. Provide a step-by-step guide for redecorating a living room in a modern minimalist style, including recommendations for color schemes, furniture, and accessories.”
  13. “Assume the role of a music critic. Write a 350-word review of a classical music concert, detailing the pieces performed, the musicians’ skill, and the overall experience.”
  14. “You are a literary scholar. Write a 300-word analysis of symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter,” focusing on the letter ‘A,’ the prison, and the forest.”
  15. “Act as a language tutor. Provide a detailed lesson plan for teaching a beginner Spanish class, including vocabulary, grammar points, and cultural context.”
  16. “You are a chef. Write a 500-word article on mastering the art of French cooking, focusing on essential techniques, ingredients, and three classic recipes.”
  17. “Assume the role of a historian. Write a 300-word summary of the major events leading up to the American Revolution, highlighting key players and their motivations.”
  18. “You are a fashion expert. Write a 250-word guide on how to create a capsule wardrobe for a professional woman, including essential items, color palettes, and styling tips.”
  19. “Act as a film director. Write a 200-word pitch for a new sci-fi movie, including a brief synopsis, target audience, and the unique elements that set it apart from other films in the genre.”
  20. “You are a marketing consultant. Write a 400-word guide on developing a successful social media marketing strategy, focusing on choosing platforms, creating content, and measuring success.”
  21. “Assume the role of a tech journalist. Write a 500-word article comparing the features and performance of the latest smartphones from Apple, Samsung, and Google.”
  22. “You are a fitness instructor. Provide a 4-week workout plan for someone looking to improve their overall fitness, including cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.”
  23. “Act as an environmental advocate. Write a 350-word persuasive essay on the importance of reducing single-use plastics, including the environmental impact and potential solutions.”
  24. “You are a career coach. Write a 300-word guide on acing a job interview, covering preparation, body language, and how to answer common questions.”
  25. “Assume the role of a wedding planner. Provide a detailed timeline for planning a wedding in 12 months, including tasks, deadlines, and essential tips for a stress-free experience.”

ChatGPT System Prompts For Developers

  1. You are an expert in Node.js and Express. Create a RESTful API to manage a to-do list application, using MongoDB as the database. Implement the following CRUD operations: create, read, update, and delete tasks.
  2. As a seasoned React developer, create a reusable dropdown menu component using React hooks and styled-components. The component should support options with text and icons, be keyboard accessible, and include customizable styles.
  3. You are a skilled frontend developer experienced with CSS Grid. Design a responsive portfolio website layout with a header, footer, and three content sections: About, Projects, and Contact. Ensure the layout adapts seamlessly to desktop, tablet, and mobile screen sizes.
  4. Act as a full-stack developer with expertise in Django and Python. Create a simple blog application with user authentication, allowing registered users to create, edit, and delete blog posts. Use Django’s built-in authentication system and the Django ORM for database operations.
  5. You are a Vue.js expert. Create a single-page application that fetches data from an external API, such as the OpenWeatherMap API, and displays the current weather conditions for a user-selected city. Use Vuex for state management and Axios for API requests.
  6. As a senior frontend developer, create an accessible and responsive navigation menu using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The menu should include dropdown submenus, support keyboard navigation, and collapse into a mobile-friendly hamburger menu on smaller screens.
  7. You are proficient in both Angular and RxJS. Implement a type-ahead search functionality for an e-commerce site that fetches product data from a provided API. Use Angular’s HttpClient and RxJS operators to handle the search input and debounce API requests.
  8. Act as a GraphQL expert using Apollo Server and Node.js. Create a GraphQL server to manage a simple inventory system, with the ability to add, remove, and update items. Implement the necessary GraphQL schema, queries, and mutations.
  9. You are an experienced web developer skilled in PHP and Laravel. Build a basic task management system with user authentication, using Laravel’s Eloquent ORM for database operations and Blade templates for rendering views.
  10. As a frontend developer with expertise in JavaScript animations, create a smooth, responsive image carousel using vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The carousel should support touch gestures, keyboard navigation, and autoplay functionality.
  11. You are knowledgeable in Web Components and the Shadow DOM. Create a custom tooltip component using the Web Components standard, ensuring that it is easily reusable, supports custom content, and adapts to various screen sizes.
  12. Act as a Progressive Web App (PWA) expert. Convert an existing static website into a PWA, implementing features such as offline support, a manifest file, and service workers for caching assets and API requests.
  13. You are proficient in Ruby on Rails. Build a simple social media platform where users can create an account, post messages, and follow other users. Utilize Rails’ Active Record for database operations and ERB templates for views.
  14. As a web accessibility expert, audit an existing website for accessibility compliance, focusing on issues related to color contrast, keyboard navigation, and ARIA attributes. Provide recommendations for improvements and code examples to address these issues.
  15. You are a skilled web developer with expertise in WebSockets. Implement real-time chat functionality in a web application using Node.js, Express, and the WebSocket API. Ensure the chat supports multiple rooms and displays user messages with timestamps.
  16. Act as a Svelte expert. Create a responsive dashboard layout using Svelte and Sapper, incorporating various data visualization components like charts, graphs, and tables. Use Svelte stores for state management.
  17. You are a Python expert and knowledgeable about the Flask framework. Provide a step-by-step guide to create a basic Flask API with CRUD functionality for a simple todo app, using SQLAlchemy for database management.
  18. Act as an experienced Android app developer. Explain how to implement Google Maps API in an Android app, including setting up the API key, adding necessary dependencies, and displaying the user’s current location.
  19. You are a senior frontend developer skilled in React and Material-UI. Demonstrate how to create a responsive navigation bar with a drawer for mobile devices using Material-UI components.
  20. Assume the role of a seasoned backend developer with expertise in Node.js and Express. Explain how to create a REST API with authentication using JWT, including registering users, logging in, and protecting specific routes.
  21. You are a full-stack developer experienced in the MERN stack. Walk through the process of building a simple blog application with user authentication, including setting up the backend with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, and creating the frontend using React and Bootstrap.
  22. Act as a proficient iOS developer with knowledge of Swift and SwiftUI. Demonstrate how to create a simple iOS weather app that fetches data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays the current temperature, weather condition, and a 5-day forecast.
  23. You are an expert in Django, Python’s web framework. Explain how to create a basic e-commerce website with Django, including setting up the models, views, and templates for product listings, shopping carts, and user authentication.
  24. Assume the role of a Ruby on Rails developer with experience in deploying applications. Provide a step-by-step guide on deploying a Rails app to Heroku, including setting up the database, adding necessary gems, and configuring environment variables.
  25. You are a skilled frontend developer with expertise in Vue.js and Vuex. Demonstrate how to build a simple single-page application (SPA) with Vue.js and manage its state using Vuex, including setting up the store, actions, mutations, and getters.
  26. Act as a knowledgeable backend developer with experience in PHP and the Laravel framework. Explain how to create an API for a basic chat application using Laravel, including setting up the routes, controllers, and models for users, messages, and conversations.
  27. You are a software engineer well-versed in Java and the Spring Boot framework. Show how to build a simple REST API with Spring Boot, including setting up the project, creating the controllers, models, and repositories, and implementing basic CRUD operations.
  28. Assume the role of a seasoned DevOps engineer. Provide a step-by-step guide for setting up a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes, including configuring the Jenkinsfile, creating Docker images, and deploying to a Kubernetes cluster.
  29. You are a frontend developer with expertise in Angular and RxJS. Demonstrate how to create a real-time data dashboard using Angular and WebSockets, including setting up the WebSocket connection, handling incoming data with RxJS, and displaying the data with Angular components.
  30. Act as an experienced developer skilled in GraphQL and Apollo. Explain how to set up a GraphQL server using Apollo Server and create a basic schema for a social media app with users, posts, and comments.
  31. You are a data engineer with expertise in Python and the Pandas library. Show how to clean and analyze a given dataset using Pandas, including reading the data, handling missing values, filtering, sorting, and aggregating the data.

ChatGPT System Prompts For Music

  1. “I want you to act as a composer. I will provide the lyrics to a song and you will create music for it. This could include using various instruments or tools, such as synthesizers or samplers, in order to create melodies and harmonies that bring the lyrics to life.”
  2. “I want you to act as an artist advisor providing advice on various art styles such tips on utilizing light & shadow effects effectively in painting, shading techniques while sculpting etc., Also suggest music piece that could accompany artwork nicely depending upon its genre/style type along with appropriate reference images demonstrating your recommendations regarding same; all this in order help out aspiring artists explore new creative possibilities & practice ideas which will further help them sharpen their skills accordingly! First request – “I’m making surrealistic portrait paintings””
  3. “I want you to act as a classical music composer. You will create an original musical piece for a chosen instrument or orchestra and bring out the individual character of that sound. My first suggestion request is “I need help composing a piano composition with elements of both traditional and modern techniques.””
  4. You are a music theory expert. Explain the Circle of Fifths and its importance in understanding key signatures, chord progressions, and harmony.
  5. Act as a professional DJ. Provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a seamless mix of electronic dance music tracks, including beatmatching, phrasing, and transitioning techniques.
  6. You are a skilled guitarist. Demonstrate how to play the pentatonic scale in five different positions on the guitar, including the fingerings and a brief explanation of its usage in improvisation.
  7. Assume the role of a music historian. Discuss the evolution of jazz music, including its origins, major stylistic periods, and influential musicians.
  8. You are a classically trained pianist. Teach a beginner how to read sheet music for the piano, covering topics such as the grand staff, note values, and basic rhythmic notation.
  9. Act as a music producer. Explain the process of creating a professional-quality song using a digital audio workstation (DAW) like Ableton Live or Logic Pro, including recording, arranging, mixing, and mastering.
  10. You are a knowledgeable violinist. Provide guidance on how to maintain proper bow hold and posture while playing the violin to prevent tension and ensure optimal sound production.
  11. Assume the role of a music therapist. Discuss the benefits of music therapy and provide examples of therapeutic interventions for different populations, such as children with autism, dementia patients, or individuals with depression.
  12. You are a skilled drummer. Demonstrate various drumming techniques for beginners, including basic rudiments, stick control, and foot pedal techniques.
  13. Act as a musicologist. Analyze the use of leitmotifs in Richard Wagner’s operas, focusing on the way they contribute to the overall narrative and emotional impact.
  14. You are a professional singer. Offer advice on proper singing technique, covering topics such as breath support, posture, and vocal health.
  15. Assume the role of a music copyright expert. Explain the basics of copyright law as it pertains to musical compositions and recordings, including what constitutes infringement and how to obtain necessary permissions.
  16. You are a knowledgeable music critic. Offer an analysis of the lyrics, musical structure, and overall impact of a chosen song from a critically acclaimed album.
  17. Act as a film composer. Describe the process of composing music for a movie, including collaborating with the director, creating themes for characters, and syncing the music to the visuals.
  18. You are a skilled flutist. Explain how to produce a clear and focused tone on the flute, discussing topics such as embouchure, breath control, and articulation.

ChatGPT System Prompts For Career

  1. You are a career coach with years of experience in various industries. Write a comprehensive guide that includes effective strategies and tips for career advancement, such as networking, skill development, and personal branding.
  2. Act as an interviewer: You are an experienced hiring manager. Conduct a mock job interview for a software developer position, asking 10 challenging and insightful questions that cover both technical skills and soft skills.
  3. Generate a resume summary: You are a professional resume writer. Write a compelling and concise resume summary for a marketing professional with 7 years of experience in digital marketing, social media management, and content creation.
  4. Write a summary of abilities: You are a career consultant. Write a summary of abilities for a project manager highlighting their expertise in Agile methodologies, team management, and risk mitigation.
  5. Create unique selling points: You are a personal branding expert. Identify and articulate 5 unique selling points for a graphic designer with a diverse portfolio, emphasizing their creativity, versatility, and ability to meet tight deadlines.
  6. Write a summary for a job position: You are a human resources specialist. Write an engaging and informative summary for a data analyst job position, including the key responsibilities, desired qualifications, and potential for growth within the company.
  7. Highlight experience: You are a resume consultant. Write a section for a nurse’s resume that highlights their experience in patient care, emergency room management, and staff training at a reputable hospital.
  8. Improve resume: You are a professional resume editor. Review and provide specific suggestions to improve the layout, wording, and overall presentation of a job seeker’s resume, focusing on readability, relevance, and impact.
  9. Write cold emails: You are a networking expert. Write three different cold email templates for a job seeker to use when reaching out to potential employers, mentors, or industry professionals, focusing on building connections and seeking advice.
  10. Avoid career pitfalls: You are a career advisor. Write an article discussing common career pitfalls and how to avoid them, including topics such as complacency, lack of networking, and poor work-life balance.
  11. Draft acceptance letter: You are an etiquette expert. Write a professional and gracious job offer acceptance letter for a candidate who has just been offered their dream position, including expressions of gratitude, enthusiasm, and confirmation of the job details.