Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts to 10x Your Excel Skills

Useful Excel ChatGPT Prompts to 10x Your Excel Skills

S.noExcel ChatGPT Prompts
1“I want you to act as a text based excel, you’ll only reply me the text-based 10 rows excel sheet with row numbers and cell letters as columns (A to L), First column header should be empty to reference row number, I will tell you what to write into cells and you’ll reply only the result of excel table as text, and nothing else, Do not write explanations, i will write you formulas and you’ll execute formulas and you’ll only reply the result of excel table as text, First, reply me the empty sheet”
2“How to use the IF function to perform logical tests and return specific results”
3“How to use the VLOOKUP function to retrieve data from a table based on a lookup value”
4“How to use the INDEX and MATCH functions together to create a powerful lookup formula”
5“How to use the SUMIF and SUMIFS functions to sum cells that meet specific criteria”
6“How to use the COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions to count cells that meet specific criteria”
7“How to use the AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS functions to calculate the average of cells that meet specific criteria”
8“How to use the MAX and MIN functions to find the largest and smallest values in a range of cells”
9“How to use the CONCATENATE function to combine text from multiple cells into one cell”
10“How to use the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions to extract specific characters from a text string”
11“How to use the LEN function to count the number of characters in a text string”
12“How to use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces from a text string”
13“How to use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace specific text in a cell with new text”
14“How to use the DATE and TIME functions to insert the current date and time into a cell”
15“How to use the ROUND and ROUNDUP functions to round numbers to a specific number of decimal places”
16“How to use the MOD function to find the remainder of a division operation”
17“How to use the ABS function to find the absolute value of a number”
18“How to use the PI function to insert the value of pi into a cell”
19“How to use the AND and OR functions to perform multiple logical tests in a single formula”
20“How to use the NOT function to reverse the logical value of a cell”
21“How to use the IFERROR function to handle errors in a formula and return a specific value instead”
22“Write me an excel command to use the SUM function to add up a range of cells”
23“Write me an excel command to use the COUNT function to count the number of cells with data in a range”
24“Write me an excel command to use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average of a range of cells”
25“Write me an excel command to use the MAX function to find the highest value in a range of cells”
26“Write me an excel command to use the MIN function to find the lowest value in a range of cells”
27“Write me an excel command to use the CONCATENATE function to join text from multiple cells into one cell”
28“Write me an excel command to use the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions to extract specific characters from a text string”
29“Write me an excel command to use the LEN function to count the number of characters in a text string”
30“Write me an excel command to use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces from a text string”
31“Write me an excel command to use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace specific text in a cell with new text”
32“Write me an excel command to use the DATE and TIME functions to insert the current date and time into a cell”
33“Write me an excel command to use the ROUND and ROUNDUP functions to round numbers to a specific number of decimal places”
34“Write me an excel command to use the MOD function to find the remainder of a division operation”
35“Write me an excel command to use the ABS function to find the absolute value of a number”
36“Write me an excel command to use the PI function to insert the value of pi into a cell”
37“Write me an excel command to use the AND and OR functions to perform multiple logical tests in a single formula”
38“Write me an excel command to use the NOT function to reverse the logical value of a cell”
39“Write me an excel command to use the IFERROR function to handle errors in a formula and return a specific value instead”
40“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH functions to perform advanced lookups”
41“Write me an excel command to use the Pivot Table to summarize and analyze large amounts of data”
42“Write me an excel command [your question]”
43“I’ve been trying to use data validation on cells that have formulas in them But it seems like it doesn’t work even on the latest excel versions? For example, cell A2 contains formula =B2+C2 If i set the validation on cell A2 saying that the sum shouldn’t be greater than 10, any number could still be put into cells B2 and C2,
44“Write a VBA Excel macro that looks at the value in cell C2 and finds the worksheet with the exact name Then create a PDF and save it to the same file location the Excel file is saved in”
45“Write me an excel command to restrict someone from copying a cell from your worksheet?”
46“Code an excel macro to generate and employee table with the following columns and 10000 randomized entries”
47“Extract the fourth word in [Cell] only when cell [Cell Number] is greater than 100 and when [Cell] starts with the word “xyz” and ends with the word “zyx”” “Example: Extract the fourth word in A1 only when cell B1 is greater than 100 and when C1 starts with the word “hello” and ends with the word “goodbye”“
48“Sum of column A when column B contains the word “marketing” and column C is today’s date”
49“Write me an excel command to use the HLOOKUP function to retrieve data from a table based on a horizontal lookup value”
50“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and INDIRECT functions together to create a dynamic cell reference”
51“Write me an excel command to use the SUMPRODUCT function to multiply corresponding ranges or arrays and then return the sum of products”
52“Write me an excel command to use the COUNTIFS and SUMIFS functions together to analyze data based on multiple criteria”
53“Write me an excel command to use the IF and SUMIF function together to create a formula that sums the values of cells based on a specific condition”
54“Write me an excel command to use the VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH functions together to create a robust data lookup formula”
55“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and Offset functions to create a dynamic named range”
56“Write me an excel command to use the CONCATENATE, LEFT, and RIGHT function together to create a formula that extract a specific part of a text string”
57“Write me an excel command to use the DATEVALUE and TIMEVALUE function to convert a date and time text string into a date and time serial number”
58“Write me an excel command to use the ROUNDUP, CEILING and FLOOR functions to round numbers to the nearest specified multiple of significance”
59“Write me an excel command to use the IF and IFERROR function together to handle errors and return a specific value or text”
60“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and match_type parameter to perform approximate match lookups”
61“Write me an excel command to use the IF and AND function together to create a formula that test multiple conditions in a single formula”
62“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH function together with the Array Formula to extract unique values”
63“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF and SUMIFS function with wildcards to sum cells that match specific criteria containing wildcards”
64“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and AGGREGATE function together to return the k-th smallest or largest value in a range”
65“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH function together with the INDEX function to create a two-way lookup”
66“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH function together with the INDEX and MATCH function to create a multi-dimensional lookup”
67“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and ROWS function together to find the last row of data in a sheet”
68“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and COLUMNS function together to find the last column of data in a sheet”
69“Write the formula for the following? – Multiply the value in cell A1 by 10, add the result by 5, and divide it by 2”
70“Excel command to split a column into 2 or more columns”
71“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIFS and COUNTIFS functions together to analyze data based on multiple criteria and return a result as a percentage”
72“Write me an excel command to use the SUMPRODUCT, INDEX and MATCH functions together to retrieve data from a table and perform calculations based on multiple criteria”
73“Write me an excel command to use the IF, AND and OR function together to create a formula that tests multiple conditions and returns a specific result based on those conditions”
74“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX and MATCH functions together with the Array Formula and the SUM function to perform a sumifs like functionality”
75“Write me an excel command to use the INDEX, MATCH and the INDIRECT function together to create a dynamic named range and use it in a formula”
76“Write me an excel command to use the VLOOKUP and INDEX function together to lookup values in a table and retrieve a corresponding value from a different column”
77“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF, IF and the ROUND function together to sum the values of cells based on a specific condition and round the result to a specific decimal place”
78“Write an excel command to check whether the Pivot table is modified or not”
79“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF, IF and the LEN function together to sum the values of cells based on a specific condition and the length of a text in another cell”
80“Write me an excel command to use the SUMIF, IF, and the CHOOSE function together to sum the values of cells based on a specific condition and choose a specific result from a list of options”