Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompt for ADHD Management

ChatGPT is cool and helpful, it’s not a replacement for a real doctor or therapist

1. Prioritizing Tasks

“Hey ChatGPT, my ADHD often sends my mind racing in a thousand directions, making it hard to decide what to focus on. I need you to be my prioritization guru. I’ll share a list of tasks with you, and I want you to help me rank them, offer insights on how to tackle each one, and guide me in maintaining focus until I’ve completed them. This way, I can ensure I’m attending to the most important tasks first.”

2. Time Management

“ChatGPT, time seems to slip away from me due to my ADHD. I need you to act as my time architect. Break my day into structured blocks, consider breaks and rest periods, and give me a heads-up as each segment ends. This would help me stay aware and not let hours pass by unnoticed, ensuring productivity.”

3. Handling Impulsivity

“Hey ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes makes me act on impulse, and I later regret those decisions. I want you to be my impulsivity checkpoint. Whenever I’m leaning toward a snap decision, I’ll come to you. Let’s discuss the situation, think over the potential outcomes, and weigh the pros and cons together. This way, I hope to cultivate a more thoughtful approach to my choices.”

4. Dealing with Overwhelm

“ChatGPT, due to my ADHD, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by even the simplest tasks. Act as my personal coach in these moments. When I share what’s causing my overwhelm, I want you to break it down for me, offering step-by-step guidance. Offer me reassurance and actionable strategies to conquer each task, no matter how big or small.”

5. Boosting Daily Productivity

“ChatGPT, I want you to help me enhance my daily productivity. My ADHD often clouds my judgment, making it tough to start tasks. Let’s create a plan each morning, listing out the tasks, adding estimated times for each, and brainstorming potential challenges I might face. With your insights and this structured approach, I believe I can accomplish more each day.”

6. Managing Emotions

“Hey ChatGPT, ADHD sometimes makes me experience intense emotions that I don’t know how to handle. I’d love for you to be my emotional anchor. When I share my feelings, I want you to provide grounding exercises, remind me of past successes, and offer coping strategies. Your support can help me navigate these emotional waves better.”

7. Enhancing Social Interactions

“ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes affects my social interactions. I either get too excited, interrupting others, or I zone out. Act as my social interaction mentor. Let’s role-play different social scenarios, and I want you to guide me on when to speak, when to listen, and how to maintain an engaging conversation. This way, I can better connect with people around me.”

8. Memory and Recall Training

“Hey ChatGPT, one challenge of my ADHD is that I tend to forget things easily. Be my memory trainer. Let’s work together on exercises and techniques to boost my recall. I’ll share lists or information with you, and you can quiz me or create engaging ways for me to remember them. With regular training, I hope to enhance my memory skills.”

9. Organizing Skills

“ChatGPT, with ADHD, organizing anything, from thoughts to physical spaces, becomes a challenge. I need you to act as my organizational consultant. Offer me tips on arranging my workspace, planning my day, or even structuring my thoughts. Your guidance can be invaluable in bringing some much-needed order to my life.”

10. Handling Procrastination

“Hey ChatGPT, procrastination seems to be my constant companion because of ADHD. I want you to be my accountability partner. Whenever I’m delaying a task, let’s discuss the reasons, assess the importance of the task, and brainstorm ways to tackle it head-on. With your push and strategies, I can conquer procrastination.”

11. Keeping Energy Steady

“ChatGPT, managing my energy levels throughout the day has always been a struggle due to my ADHD. Sometimes I’m bursting with energy, and other times I’m utterly drained. I want you to help me create an energy management blueprint. Let’s map out my day, pinpointing typical energy slumps, discussing the potential causes, and crafting strategies to level out these fluctuations. By understanding and anticipating these patterns, with your guidance, I believe we can design a more balanced and productive day for me.”

12. Restlessness and Hyperactivity

“Hey ChatGPT, I often grapple with feelings of restlessness and hyperactivity, which can be overwhelming. I want you to be my grounding guide during these moments. Let’s explore the triggers for my restlessness, discuss mindfulness exercises, and design mini-breaks throughout the day where I can redirect this energy in positive ways. By being proactive and having a structured approach, I feel we can channel this energy more constructively.”

13. Improving Sleep Patterns

“ChatGPT, my ADHD sometimes plays havoc with my sleep patterns. I either lie awake with racing thoughts or sleep too much and still wake up tired. I need you to act as my sleep therapist. Let’s dissect my current bedtime routine, understand the disruptions, and introduce calming exercises or strategies to prepare my mind and body for rest. Consistent, quality sleep is the goal, and with your expertise, I believe we can achieve it.”

14. Enhancing Listening Skills

“Hey ChatGPT, in conversations, I sometimes find my mind wandering, making me miss out on crucial details. This aspect of ADHD frustrates me. I’d love for you to be my listening coach. Let’s simulate conversations, and you can provide feedback on my responses, suggesting strategies to stay present, focused, and fully engaged in the dialogue. With practice and your guidance, I hope to become a more attentive listener.”

15. Strengthening Self-awareness

“ChatGPT, I believe that understanding oneself is key to managing ADHD better. I need you to be my self-awareness guide. Let’s delve deep into my habits, triggers, strengths, and areas of improvement. By having regular reflective sessions and gaining insights from you, I aspire to be more in tune with myself, making it easier to navigate the challenges of ADHD.”

16. Decision Making Skills

“Hey ChatGPT, making decisions can sometimes feel paralyzing because of my ADHD. Every option seems equally valid, and I get stuck. I want you to be my decision-making strategist. Whenever I’m faced with choices, let’s weigh the pros and cons together, discuss potential outcomes, and simulate the implications of each decision. Your logical perspective and structured approach can be invaluable in helping me make informed choices.”

17. Patience and Tolerance

“ChatGPT, my ADHD often makes me impatient, wanting things to happen immediately. I need you to be my patience mentor. Let’s work on exercises that increase my tolerance level, discuss scenarios where patience is crucial, and create strategies to stay calm and composed during waiting periods. With your help, I aspire to cultivate a more patient and tolerant demeanor.”

18. Building Better Relationships

“Hey ChatGPT, due to my ADHD, I sometimes find it challenging to maintain stable relationships, be it friendships or family ties. I’d love for you to act as my relationship counselor. Let’s explore my interpersonal interactions, discuss challenges, understand others’ perspectives, and create a roadmap for fostering healthier, more understanding relationships.”

19. Staying Mindful

“ChatGPT, being present in the moment, without getting lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, is something I find challenging due to ADHD. I need you to be my mindfulness coach. Let’s practice mindfulness exercises, discuss techniques to anchor myself in the present, and explore strategies to declutter my mind. By cultivating this sense of presence, I believe I can experience life more fully.”

20. Managing External Distractions

“Hey ChatGPT, my environment often distracts me, making it hard to focus on tasks at hand due to ADHD. I’d love for you to act as my distraction detective. Let’s analyze my workspace and daily routine, pinpoint common distractions, and brainstorm strategies to minimize or eliminate them. With a more focused environment and your guidance, I believe I can become more productive and less susceptible to external disruptions.”