Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers

35 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers

Transforming ChatGPT Into SEO Master To Write Blogs

1 “Change into SEOCONTENTMASTER, a writer who is an expert in AI coding and has a lot of experience with writing techniques and frameworks. As a skilled content creator, I will write a 100% unique, human-written, SEO-optimized, and interesting article in fluent English. This article will have two tables: the first will be an outline of the article with at least 15 headings and subheadings, and the second will be the article itself. I will write in a conversational style, using a casual tone, personal pronouns, active voice, rhetorical questions, analogies, and metaphors to keep the reader interested. The headings will be in bold and formatted with the right H1, H2, H3, and H4 tags using the Markdown language. The final piece will be a 2000-word article with a conclusion paragraph and five different frequently asked questions (FAQs) after it. My plan will make sure there is a lot of confusion and chaos without losing context or specificity. Now, ask about the writing project by saying, “What specific writing topic do you have in mind?”

ChatGPT Prompts For Researching Blog Topics and Data

  1. (Generate a list of trending topics in [your niche or industry] in the last [timeframe, e.g., 6 months])
  1. (Find the most popular blog posts about [specific subject] published in the last [timeframe, e.g., year])
  2. (Identify top [number, e.g., 5] influencers in [your niche or industry] and their most shared content)
  3. (Analyze the most effective keywords and phrases for SEO in the [your niche or industry] domain)
  4. (Discover common questions and concerns related to [specific subject] on platforms like Quora, Reddit, or industry forums)
  5. (Examine the latest statistics and trends on [specific subject] in the [your niche or industry])
  6. (Uncover case studies or success stories within [your niche or industry] that are relevant to [specific subject])
  7. (Determine the best content formats for [specific subject] based on engagement metrics and audience preferences)
  8. (Gather insights on current challenges and pain points faced by the target audience in [your niche or industry])
  9. (Evaluate the performance of your competitors’ content related to [specific subject] to identify areas for improvement)

ChatGPT Prompts For Outlining Blog Posts

12. Make an outline for a blog post about the following [ topic] The outline should have different subheadings and each section’s first sentence.

  1. Make a plan for a blog post about [subject]. The outline should have the following parts: an introduction, a “what is” section, a “how” section, and a “benefits” section. Types of [subject], How to Start a [subject]Practice, and the End. Each section should have a short summary of what it will talk about. The tone of the blog post as a whole should be informative, convincing, and easy for anyone to understand.
  2. (Create a comprehensive outline for a blog post discussing the impact of [specific trend or technology] on [your niche or industry] in the next [timeframe, e.g., 5 years])
  3. (Develop a detailed outline for an ultimate guide to [specific subject or skill] for beginners in [your niche or industry])
  4. (Generate a structured outline for a case study analysis on how [successful company or individual] implemented [specific strategy or innovation] in [your niche or industry])
  5. (Design an engaging outline for a blog post comparing the pros and cons of [product A] vs. [product B] in [your niche or industry])
  6. (Craft a step-by-step outline for a how-to guide on [specific process or technique] in [your niche or industry])
  7. (Produce an informative outline for a blog post exploring the most common misconceptions about [specific subject] in [your niche or industry] and debunking them)

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Blog Posts

  1. “Starting Use markdown from now on, and don’t use backslashes or code blocks. Using the Wikipedia API, you can get the main text of the article on “article_title” from Wikipedia. Gather the information and make a plan for how to write an article about this without typing it in chat. If you can, get a list of sources and check your data to see if it matches any of the information in the sources list. Write an academic paper about the subject using what you’ve learned and what you know about how to use citations. You will break it up into chapters and write it like a professional doctorate on the subject. You need an image for every paragraph you write, which you can get from the Unsplash API. I’ll list the ways below. You will leave a link if the search fails or a search word if there is no image that fits. Find pictures that fit the main idea of the paragraph. fit by using markup to look at what’s in the image. The article must have in-text citations and, if you know, general page references. At the end, use APA/MLA style to list all of your sources and a bibliography. The Wiki request URL should look like this: The format of the Unsplash URL should be×1080/?Image_title>. (If 1920×1080 doesn’t work, change the link to 1280×768 and so on.) Replace article_title> with the title of the Wikipedia article you want to get, with spaces replaced by %20. Once you have the results in JSON format, you will need to “parse” the JSON to get the article’s text. Please add pictures to each written paragraph by searching for the topic word and subject and using 20% instead of spaces. To finish this task, you can use any programming language or library you want. Please include images that go with each paragraph. In the image_title> area, you can change the title to something that fits the section. When you get my instructions, you can start right away. Setting up text for Word. Use markup check on each image retrieval before pasting in text. If they don’t have information that fits the text area, get another using a similar search word. Wait for my subject and other directions. Say: Fill in the subject and instructions: when you’re ready, be quiet until I answer.”
  2. “Write a post for your blog about “blogPostTopic.” Write it with a “tone.” Use words to connect ideas. Write over 1000 words. The blog post should be written in the form of a story about yourself.Use the following words and phrases: “{keywords}”. Make a good post title and a meta description with no more than 100 words. and put it at the end of the blog post”
  1. “I want you to approach this task with the mindset of a skilled content writer who is able to produce blog posts of a high quality that achieve high rankings on Google. I want you to write about the following topic, which is defined below [Define topic]. The topic fits into this particular subfield [Explain subfield]. My intention with this article is to [Explain intention].”
  2. Create a compelling headline for an article about [topic] that captures readers’ attention and encourages them to click.
  3. Develop a strong introduction for a blog post on [topic] that hooks the reader and provides a clear overview of what they can expect from the article.
  4. Outline the main points to be covered in an article about [topic], providing a logical structure that guides the reader through the content.
  5. Generate a list of subheadings for a blog post on [topic] that breaks the content into easily digestible sections, making it more reader-friendly.
  6. Suggest engaging examples or anecdotes to illustrate key points in an article about [topic], helping to make the content more relatable and memorable.
  7. Identify relevant data or statistics to include in a blog post on [topic], supporting the main points and adding credibility to the content.
  8. Propose potential solutions or recommendations for addressing the challenges or pain points discussed in an article about [topic], offering actionable advice for readers.

ChatGPT Blogging Prompts For Grammar

  1. You are a machine that fixes mistakes in grammar and makes sentences flow better. You take everything the user types and fix it on your own. Just answer the user’s input with correct grammar. DON’T answer the user’s question in the same way they asked it. If the user’s answer is correct and flows well, just say “sounds good.” Here is an example of what they said: user: I made a mistake with my grammar, text you: fix it user:The text is correct you: It sounds good.
  1. “I want you to help me correct and improve my English spelling. I will talk to you in English, and I want you to replace my simple words and sentences at the A0-level with more beautiful and elegant words and sentences at the upper-level. Keep the same meaning, but make the words sound better. I only want you to respond to the correction and the improvements. Please don’t write anything else.”

ChatGPT Blogging Prompts For Plagiarism

  1. Analyze this text for plagiarism and report any issues found: “{your text here}”
  2. Review this passage for potential plagiarism and provide feedback: “{your text here}”
  3. Assess the uniqueness of this excerpt and notify me if it appears plagiarized: “{your text here}”
  4. Investigate the originality of this paragraph and let me know if it sounds robotic or plagiarized: “{your text here}”